
Still flogging old horse Biden?

 It is really, honestly, unequivocally crazy that they are still insisting that Biden is suitable for the job. The whole fake mental and physical image of Biden propped up by lies has been openly exposed for the USA and the world to see during the debate. I think the USA takes its 'exceptionalism' belief a bit too far this time around.

The wife, the son all still wants him to stand. For what? Protection for his son at the expense of the whole USA?

I think the Biden family and the Democrats are afraid of Trump winning and paying them back in their own coin. And NATO and Ukraine likewise are afraid of being left in the lurch should Trump wins this time. I would say Trump has a good chance, more so after the debate, that was a bloodbath for Biden and the Democrats. If they are not panicking, they are simply lying and hoping for a miracle.

Actually, the EU and vis a vis NATO breaking off from USA is a good thing. It is only the leaders like Stan Stoltenburg and Ursula von der Leyen that are the root cause of all the problems for the EU and NATO by following the dictates of the USA. And the USA needs these two morons to control the EU and NATO.

For USA voters, whether they vote Red or Blue, they will be screwed, as one astute observer commented. The same goes for the UK election just concluded. 


1 comment:

  1. The old horse got no more stamina to run, and flogging it is useless. The way he walks looks like he will fall any moment. George Galloway said that the old horse already lost his brain and no use looking for it.

    It will really be the mother of all jokes if Biden gets elected for another term. Mentally, physically and morally he is not capable of doing the job.
