
Space War - Boeing very confident to bring back the 2 stranded astronauts. Coincidence, an Indian and an American

 Everything, every action begets a reaction. The concept of Karma works in every situation. What you sow today is what you will reap tomorrow. There is no escape.

The days when the USA wanted to prevent China from participating in research on the International Space Station is now Karma coming back to work against the USA. China refused to allow the USA to participate in research on its Tiangong Space Station. What is even more telling is China clearly slapping the USA on the face by telling the world that the USA has nothing worthwhile to contribute. Oops, the Chinese probably forgot that the USA could contribute by making trouble if allowed on board, LOL.

However, twisting around, the USA claimed that it is not interested in doing research on the Tiangong Space Station because all instructions and signage on board are in Chinese. The USA wanted China to change all the instructions and signs on board to English before they will agree to participate. The fox could not reach the grapes and claim they are sour. The Chinese tell them to fly kite, or better still look for a spider.

Wonder what happened to the 'stranded' Astronauts on the International Space Station now. The USA claimed they were not stranded at all. Maybe just wanted an extended their holiday on the International Space Station that may break apart any day, LOL.



  1. Karma is now working against the USA semiconductor industry, which has been described as facing a 'death spiral'. What is the point of expanding production in the USA without a big enough market to sell to? And that is not just the problem for USA domestic semiconductor manufacturers like Qualcomm, but the same problem for TSMC and Samsung. They have been dragged into the sewers by following the USA.

    What follows now is that the China market will eventually be out of reach for those companies ramping up production in the USA. They can sell chips to McDonalds, LOL, which itself is facing mass closure of outlets, especially in the Muslim countries due to boycott over the Israel/Hamas war.

    China's domestic market will be dominated by Chinese semiconductor manufacturers. Even those foreign chip makers with manufacturing facilities located in China, and competing inside the Chinese market, against Chinese manufacturers will face stiffer competition. Chinese equipment manufacturers are the biggest consumer of semiconductors for EVs, washing machines, TVs, computers, drones, electric bikes and these are fueling the demand for legacy chips that Chinese manufacturers are able to provide domestically and some even having in-house semiconductor manufacturing facilities, like BYD and Huawei.

    Elsewhere, it has been reported that Foxconn has been bypassed by Apple, with a US$50 billion order given to BYD. Now there are two competitors in China, Luzshare Precision and BYD competing against Foxconn for the same Apple pie in China. Foxconn is facing big problems in China going forward, which probably gives Tim Cook the message that he better hedge his bet not to rely too much on Foxconn alone in China.

    Now, I believe this is also Karma working against Foxconn. With business being decimated, Terry Gou can forget about his too big to fail mindset in China as Foxconn's survival in China is starting to be questionable.

  2. @9.40am Interesting turn of events.
