
亚 Q China forgets Renai Jiao 人爱礁 is Chinese territory

 After more than 20 years of illegal occupation of the Renai Jiao, Second Thomas Reef, China has forgotten that this island belongs to China. As such, China has forgotten its right as the owner of the island and has the authority to remove or arrest anyone that trespasses the island without the permission of China.

If a country does not know its right of ownership, and allowed foreigners to occupying its land, and afraid to take back the land, with the passage of time, the illegal occupier would become the de facto owner of the land, like the land in the Sino Indian border, and the Renai Jiao.

Today, China does not know how to take ownership of the island, does not know how to remove the piece of shipwreck on the island. Now it is behaving like Ah Q, trying to reason with the illegal occupier of the island. The latest is a list of findings that the shipwreck and the illegal occupants are contaminating the waters and harming the environment around the island. Is this the best Ah Q can come up with? Must Ah Q come up with excuses to plead with the illegal occupants to move the shipwreck? Would Ah Q China be thinking of kneeling in front of the Pinoys to beg them to move the shipwreck?

When is China going to remember that the Renai Jiao belongs to China and China has all the rights to arrest and evict illegal occupiers? Why is there a need to make silly excuses, work so hard to compile documents, to conduct research, to prove that the Pinoys are harming the environment as an excuse to ask the Pinoys to move the rusting and rotting wreck? Just get rid of the shipwreck. Period.

By not doing so, is China telling the whole world that the Renai Jiao does not belong to China and thus it has no right to evict or get rid of the intruders? So it has to appeal to the world that the Pinoys are harming the environment, and asking the world to tell the Pinoys to remove the wreck? And Ah Q China thinks this is very clever.

When is China going to wake up and stop behaving like 亚 Q?China should just tell the Pinoys to remove it immediately or China would remove the wreck from its island. There is no need to reason with an illegal occupier. a trespasser.

China's 亚 Q behaviour only strengthens the Pinoy's claim for the island. From the position that the island belong to China, it is now a disputed island. China has no authority to remove the wreck. This is so silly.

PS. Would anyone think he should reason to an illegal person entering this house and refuses to move out?

已经在家园还不敢动手. 还跟流氓谈请说爱。


  1. When Mickey Mouse thinks it can mess around with China and get away with it, China will have endless trouble.

  2. Deez
    Oh yeah, I mean Ukraine has no air force or air defense and you still cant take the Donbass, and now NATO is going to destroy you because you sat and waiting for them to ruin you! Your passive behavior and thoughts are all wrong, you are dealing with sick people who told you they want to destroy Russia and the Russian people and still you and some morons in the military cant figure it out, and now America smells blood, and you are all up shits creek for not listening and doing something sooner!

    Above is a quote from RT about the Ukraine War. The same logic applies to the situation in the South China Sea and China is behaving like Russia, and the devil behind the confrontation is the American. Soon there will be a Ukraine War in the South China Sea.

  3. Fighting with one hand and one leg tied.

    Stupid Idiots the Urukians.

    Russia with superior air powers and Arsenals bombed you imbeciles at will in your own house. Oops country.

    They won't dare to fight Russia direct and pushing you all to your Deaths and Destructions.

    Why destroy your country listening to the stupid orders from those who enjoyed their luxurious lifes drinking their wine and champagne and having three rounds of sex at nite.

    They are laughing and sneering at your stupidity.
