
Propaganda War - America's US$1.5b versus China inviting foreigners to see for themselves without paying a cent

 When China grows more than 5%, they will say it is all fake statistics. When foreign tourists visited China and made videos of all the progress which they saw with their own eyes, the pro-West shrills claimed those were all fake videos, just like Hollywood Movie Studios making fake sets for movies or moon walks, LOL. When social media made videos that showcased the right side of China, they said they were all paid by the CCP. Hmmm, to them I must also be paid by the CCP as well, LOL.

When China's industries are able to produce goods cheaper, they accused them of having state subsidies. When industries in USA are being given US$ billions in subsidies to attract and keep them afloat, they claim it is for 'inflation reduction' or attracting 'foreign investment' purposes and are not subsidies. They have different definitions for subsidies and different criteria for genocides under their 'Rules Based Order'.

China is not going to waste time countering such lies, but just giving free travel visas for foreigners to visit and see for themselves whether things in China are fakes. That was a very strategic move by letting foreigners counter the Western propaganda machine. Besides saving expenses to counter, this move also enabled China to gain much in terms of foreigners spending money inside China and helping the economy and countering Western lies.

China's move towards encouraging domestic demand is going to succeed, despite the West throwing cold water over the move, raising doubts and claiming domestic spending is in fact contracting. The USA and the West still do not understand Chinese mindsets and thinking and how Chinese patriotism works when it comes to the motherland.

Like all else that China does, do not bet against China. A good example is how China convinced the whole nation to accept a common language, that India is unable to do so. Same population, same language diversity within the country, and yet China pulled it off. What China has achieved in every endeavor is all there for all to see and cannot be denied.

When the USA tried to end Huawei's domination of its telecommunication domination and hoping to kill Huawei, it instead made Huawei even stronger. Huawei's profit growth for the first quarter of 2024 was a staggering 564% with sales growth at 37%.

This will be the trend of the USA's attempt to kill BYD, which will make BYD an even more formidable competitor for USA, EU, Japan and South Korea vehicle manufacturers. Chinese manufacturers have the resources to overcome the odds, with in house supply chains for every component needed to make their EVs. USA, EU, Japan and South Korea car manufacturers have to source components from all over the world to put together a fully assembled EV.

That is the real secret of why BYD can sell cars a quarter of the price of an identical EV from other manufacturers outside China. And the quality is not lacking. Experts in the West have bought a BYD EV and tore it apart reporting that BYD EVs are high quality products and yet at low prices.



  1. The USA and the West, together with the MSM of the West, can no longer suppress the truth about China, although it can still suppress the truth from their own citizens that have never visited China and are as dumb as lampposts after years of brainwashing.

    It really is surprising how ignorant normal USA citizens are after decades of dumbing down by the lies of the MSM carrying out the dictates of the USA Government. Ask them where Singapore is, and they will say it is in China. Blame them not, since even a sitting Senator, of all people, thinks Singapore is in China and business leaders here in Singapore are all CCP members.

    According to reported statistics, more than 15 million foreign visitors have now visited China using the free visa travel facilities allocated by China for some countries, and they are waxing Lyrical's regarding their experience in China - the infrastructures, the high-speed rails, the friendliness of the Chinese population, the cleanliness of the streets and surrounding areas and not to forget the delicious food.

    Most of all, those who visited Xinjiang specifically looking for the concentration camps for Uyghur Muslims, found nothing but beautiful infrastructures and facilities that were also found elsewhere in China. The Minority races in China are even given more privileges than the Han Chinese themselves, but the Han Chinese are not perplexed and are still living harmoniously with the Uyghur Muslims. These are not possible in other countries, with politicians having to do more for the majority race to get their support during elections.

    And these vloggers on Youtube have been accused of being paid by the CCP. CCP paying 15 million vloggers US$20 each is an amount that will rival the USA's propaganda machine investment in a year, LOL. Will foreign vloggers even think of visiting China and putting up such sites for a miserable US$20? Think about the warp argument that they are trying to put forward.

  2. A picture is worth a thousand words. A video is worth a million. And that is exactly how valuable those videos made by foreign vloggers visiting China are contributing to China's counter against Western expensive propaganda and helping the Chinese economy.

    Moreover, who trusts the Western media today and bother to read them anyway? The USA, the West and MSM have lost the propaganda war. They have to resort to stopping sites like RT and TikTok from operating in the West.

    That they are clamping down on sites hosted by George Galloway, Tucker Carlson, Brian Belectic, Jeffrey Sachs, Danny Haiphong, Prof John Mearsheimer and other truth sayers shows they are desperate and loosing audiences on MSM. They accused them of promoting misinformation, just like accusing every organization that they cannot control as supporters of terrorism.

  3. That's why the damn stupid Court of Arbitration adwarded the North Rock to Matland and the South Rock and the Puteh Batu or Horseburg Lighthouse to Sinkeland.

    For they thought that all these BS are near China near Hainan Island.

    These damn Whites are hillbilies lah!

  4. The propaganda war inside the USA is getting more hilarious. Whoopi Goldberg says she does not care even if Biden poop in his pants as many have suspected, and his train-wrecked debate performance is still indicating that Joe can still run the country.

    This woman is a comedian of the highest order. Perhaps we should call her 'Poopy Goldberg' instead.

  5. Allan Greenspan claimed previously that the USA cannot default and can just keep printing money. Sure, it can do that, but in time it will be just banana notes, or even unfit to be used as toilet papers if countries do not want it when BRICS new monetary system comes into existence.

    Countries are migrating to trade using their own currencies and that tells us that they are moving away from US$. The USA can keep printing and if most of those banana notes remain at home, what is it going to do to the economy going forward? The currency will become banana notes that buys less and less. And they talk about bringing inflation down to 2%. Good luck to that.
