
Moon station - should China allow Americans or their cronies into the station when there are great security risks?

 The Western media is asking the question of whether the Chinese Lunar Station which it proposes to set up will be accessible for all nations. Who is asking this question behind the scenes and what is the objective?

I would say China will allow access to others, but certainly not for the USA and its cronies. Allowing them there will mean inviting the devil into the house to cause trouble. Even allowing just one of its cronies inside is bound to be asking lots of questions, lots of spying, lots of subterfuge and creating lots of problems with the USA working behind its back.

Why should China allow them access not forgetting the treatment that China received from being forbidden to do research work inside the International Space Station. It was all the idea of the USA behind the ban. An eye for an eye is fair and square. 


1 comment:

  1. The USA will be there to sabotage, instigate conflict, make demands but contribute nothing.

    China must make Chinese the language on the Lunar Moon Base, if it comes about.
