
Drone warfare - American drones obsolete and inferior to Iranian, Russian and Chinese drones


 Never underestimate the Russians in countering USA drones and missile technology. It has been reported that the Russians have been jamming successfully the GPS guidance system of the USA weapons, making them inaccurate and in some instances hitting their own friendly targets.

Reports have also surfaced that the Ukrainians and even high-tech Israelis are not in favor of using USA Reaper Drones in combat, as they are reported to be problematic and inaccurate. The Ukrainians have resorted to using DJI civilian drones bought at normal outlets and reconfigure them for military use, claiming they are more accurate than those multi-million-dollar Reaper Drones. Ouch, that hurts!

Based on such reports, what can we say about those drones used by the PLA. Surely, they cannot be inferior to civilian drones bought off the shelves. Chinese military drones have not yet been used so far that we have yet to come across, so China just have to keep the information tight.

We know the USA and the West are keen to find out China's military status, knowing they have been sniping around the South China Sea region. Two years ago, a USA nuclear Submarine conducting espionage met with disaster in the South China Sea, hitting an unknown object, an underwater mountain they claimed, and limping to Guam for repairs. The damage was substantial from pictures taken, but any radiation leak was unknown or had been covered up.

Imagine a US$3 billion submarine hitting an underwater mountain sounds rather unbelievable, in a region as wide as an ocean, with all the sophisticated instruments on board. The submarine's guidance system must be totally obsolete, or was the object not a mountain but something else placed underwater by the Chinese? But they managed to spin it out of people's suspicion. 



  1. The USA already knew their drone technology is behind DJI which was probably their agenda to do DJI in, just like doing TikTok in from competing with the likes of Youtube and other USA grown social media.

    Think about it. If USA drone technology is better than DJI, why is there a need to take down DJI with spurious claims. Were the USA thinking of forcing DJI to sell its drone technology and secrets to a USA entity just like forcing TikTok to do the same? How could DJI be accused of stealing USA drone technology when it is ahead of the USA in the game? Does this make any sense? Why not use the same argument against TikTok and accuse it of stealing USA tech instead of using the National Security hubris?

    China is now more advance in drone technology for sure and knowing that drones will play a very important part in future wars makes the USA paranoid. Even Iran is now well versed in drone manufacturing and the recent skirmish against Israel is just an indication of the tip of the iceberg.

    The USA may be spending hundreds of billions more than others on military equipment, and even if China and Iran may be spending less, the latter two get more bang for the buck. The USA Reaper Drones cost US$30** million each. Compare that to the cheaper Chinese and Iranian drones and you can understand how bloated the USA defense budget has become. Oh, not to forget the US$600 toilet seat covers that was reported, and a bag of some kind of pins costing hundreds of dollars which the Chinese could supply for US$10. The USA military contractors are so corrupt it is unbelievable.

    When the US$ hegemony ends, and when toilet paper printing is curtailed, then the whole picture is going to change substantially. For now, the USA is just making hay while the sun shines, spending like no tomorrow. Actually, tomorrow for them is an uncertain future.

    1. All the marked up and jacked up prices into the pockets and banks of the Senators and Con Gress Men and Women.


  2. Empire of Lies.

  3. Lying, cheating and stealing is all about democracy at work.

  4. Common sense will tell us that the USA will never admit their drones are inferior. That is understandable and a National Security matter. Otherwise, how could they hope to sell drones that costs US$30** million a pop.

    Just let them keep on denying the reality and is no use making it an issue. The ones using them will tell the world the reality. It suits China perfectly.

  5. The Americans have been selling their lies to willing suckers that cannot think. Their F35, F22 are the best in the world. Their drones are the best in the world. Their warships are the best in the world. Their Tomahawk cruise missiles the best in the world. Their Patriot anti missile system the best in the world.

    It is true, or it was true, when there were no competitors. Now competitors are all over the place and all their weapons are no longer the best, some are simply junks.

    But never mind. There are many unthinking third world leaders that will still clamour for them. Because the Americans said they were the best. Some could think but got no choice. The Americans ordered them to buy and the Americans dictated the price. They lan lan also have to buy.

    This is the world of American make beliefs. Their 4.5G is the best. Their GPS is the best. Their space technology is the best. They went to the moon in 1969, but cannot make a rocket that can take them to the space station today.

    Willing suckers, no need to put up your hands. We know who you are. And those that have no brains, we also know who you are.

  6. Most people are subconsciously brainwash by hollywood/american propaganda for many years. Look at the shooting of trump & the response of it ss. This generation of american is differrent from the old generation..it declined, same as our current generation of papies ministers.
