
China operating on different OS and Beidou GPS

 China thinks years ahead, not about next year or tomorrow. That is how China now controls most of the raw essential materials and processing logistics that the USA and the West lacks. China worked on this issue over the last two or three decades, not just yesterday.

It is going to take a miracle for the USA and the West to catch up, looking high and low to get at the last remaining bit of such rare earth raw materials left. They tried looking for co-operation with Outer Mongolia for rare earth supplies but could not do so, with China not allowing its port to be used for shipment of raw rare earth materials bound for Japan for processing. Why on earth would the Chinese even be seen to allow that is a no brainer?

The USA is also trying to woo Vietnam to get at their reserves, the second largest in the world, which is also not successful. Who is going to refine them is not a big problem but setting up the logistics or shipping out the ores for processing in the West or Japan for such a venture is going to be a problem with cost. Can they then even compete successfully with China?

Now Chinese Government entities are no longer using Windows nor computers from the West. China has its own operating system called Kylin (I think) which is said to be impenetrable by foreign espionage, its own satellite system by Beidou, its 5G mobile Harmony operating system by Huawei, and also its own navigation system for its military use.

Countries that have axes to grind with the USA or the West are co-operating with China in the use of its Beidou Satellite Navigation system to prevent being held hostage in the event of conflict. In all, 165 countries are on Beidou Satellite Navigation system - from Africa, Middle East (Iran for example) and South America.

The USA and the West have been trying to take out the Houthis missile guided ground bases to little effect. Even jamming them did not work, as mobile bases can be relocated fast and easily in the mountainous terrain. There is no question that Iran is providing the Houthis with the technology for missile and drone targeting of enemy ships in the Red Sea/Gulf region. One question never clearly answered was why can't the USA just cut off the GPS system in Yemen to stop the attacks? And that begs raising the other question of whether they could not do it because of the usage of the Chinese Beidou Satellite Navigation system that the USA and the West have no control over. That is just my two cents worth thinking about it, being a non-technical bean on such complicated matters.


1 comment:

  1. The latest IT glitch did not affect Russia and only marginally affect some those foreign companies operating in China using Windows operating system.

    This is all thanks to the two countries migrating their systems away from Windows and Western made equipment thus saving the day. How dangerous it is to depend on Microsoft is clear for all countries, particularly Global South countries and what they should do now. Having an alternative is the only way to say safe.

    Never underestimate the evil mind if it intends to do evil. This is just a minor lesson for all, but an important lesson, nevertheless. Be prepared like Russia and China and remember that prevention is better than finding a cure later on.
