
China claiming barren reefs and islets. AngloSaxons claimed USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Falkland, Hawaii etc etc...on what legal basis?

 Frankly why China is claiming all these Atolls and Islets.

Time immemorial all these are been controlled by China in their Dynasty Years as all these other countries paid tributes to their Emperor and no one even whispered a claim on them.

The main Reason why China wanted to control these atolls and islets is because of the damn Americunts.

They wanted to strengthen their First Line of Defence against the UAssA and their cronies and doggies.

China's Military Strategist since their Waring Years are very smart in their planning of Defence and Offense.

Why took the troubles to claim all these useless atolls and small islets where they built their First Line of Defence Bases?

China had enough land for themselves.

It's the Western Barbarians that are pushing China to claim their Nine Dash Line.

Xi told Obama to demilistaise the SCSeas when Obama when they met.

Obama purposely said "No" on the evil thoughts of his military doggies so that they could stired shits in every wherea they wanted just to be the World's Hemagon.

So don't China for militarise the SCSeas.



  1. Good morning All

    Just to add with their mini build up airfields and military installations of heavy arsenals and missles the damn Americunts and their NATO and SEA doggies would be send to their watery graves when they dared apporach towards China.

    Their deadly hypersonic missles even sank their Bath Tubs and destroyers and whats they have even at the Straits of Singapore and Pulau Puteh.

    But even close to the South China Seas near main China they be send to HELL.

    See their strategic sinking of Chou Choa Huhdred Vessels in the "Red Cliff" conquest.

  2. They be surrounded and encircled by their Military Might even they able to encroach into their circle of DEATH.

    By their islets of heavy military artillery and missles.

    Hello NATO doggies and the UAss come to your watery graves.
