
BRICS and SCO expansion - Who is the ROADBLOCK

Why more countries are turning to Russia- and China-led blocs

Many nations want a rebalancing of the global order, given Western hypocrisy over human rights and democratic values. Can Moscow and Beijing overcome the roadblocks?

China and Russia are overtly challenging Western hegemony over global affairs. Beijing and Moscow claim to provide an alternative that is multipolar, fairer, and just. Is the growing and deepening partnership between the two a paradigm shift in international politics? ....By Gowhar Geelani, a journalist and author based in Kashmir, India. RT

The above is quoted from an article in RT.  It is obvious and urgent that the world needs a rebalancing of the global order now misled by the evil American Empire, starting wars, all kinds of wars everywhere, threatening and bullying smaller states to take sides in its fight for world hegemony and to rule the world.

China, Russia and Iran are the immediate targets for attacks and destruction by the American terrorists and their mafia gangs called allies around the world. The Middle East Arab and Muslim states, the African and Latin American states, the rest of the Global South would be conveniently subsumed by the evil American Empire when China and Russia fell and be destroyed. And the people of the Global South cannot fail not to see what their fate would be like. They are now rushing to be part of the BRICS and SCO camp to prevent becoming recolonised by the white men. There is great urgency as the white men under the lead of the American terrorists have already launched their new plan for world domination.

The road forward for BRICS and SCO  to join forces with the Global South to protect themselves from the white men's control is not easy, with many leaders of the Global South still being bought over by the white men to be their running dogs. As the author, Gowhar Geelani warned, there are roadblocks preventing BRICS and SCO from uniting and saving the Global South...in preventing the expansion of these two organisations.

Who is the ROADBLOCK that is standing in the way to prevent the tragedy of the Global South from being colonised and ruled by the white men again? BRICS and SCO know that they must expand their membership quickly and asap to stop the white men. Only with more members in their ranks could they be strong enough as a counter force against the white men, now pushing for NATO to expand to the east. 

Would Putin be able to stop the ROADBLOCK from crippling the expansion of BRICS and SCO to save the Global South from the white terrorists on war path?


  1. Imbecile India is the devil and the problem.It wants to stand astride on two boats the evil Western imperialists headed by the United States and the enlightening socialist countries of the South headed by Russia and China. India hopes to get benefits from both. India is petty and does not want to see two successful global organisations headed by China. India own imperial ambition which it inherited the mantle of it from Britain is bent on keeping stolen Chinese lands by the British in South Xizhang and Tawang and so in coddling to the Anglo-Saxons Western imperialists and in keeping BRICS and SCO weak India hopes it will be supported by the West and the US. In doing so India thinks it can project itself as an important power to be reckoned with. This is just superficial thinking and reflects badly on India's fake ego and false self-importance. There is no doubt India will pay a price for double-crossing BRICKS and SCO.


  2. Well said Southernglory1

    It's all Facts.

  3. Yindia lah.

    Scared of losing face to China.
    Scared of losing out as founding member.
    Ego too big, cant swallow his pride.
