
Assassination of Trump - Conspiracy galore!

 Anything you would not expect to happen in this world, you can only expect it in the USA. Not much of a surprise to me actually. Trump already predicted such a threat during his first term in office, claiming that he feared the Deep State does not like his way of doing things, and many actually expected him to be assassinated like John F. Kennedy, if he persists in his wayward ways. That he lost the 2020 election was a blessing in disguise, as most people expected him not to survive the CIA if he got his second term. Now, is this an attempt to put him away for good and let Biden get his second term instead? Remember, this can only happen in the USA, nowhere else.

When Trump was shot, hear this - Biden proclaimed that this is violence he does not stand for. Hear, hear, the man that is supporting the killing of tens of thousands in Gaza is against violence in his own country. A country that lives and die by the gun is not violent? Can you believe that?

It looks like the Democrats are very desperate indeed, knowing they have to get rid of Trump for Biden to win. This is going to backfire against the Democrats for sure. If they had succeeded in getting rid of Trump, Biden might still stand a chance. Now the shooter is dead, the truth died with him, and the trail ended there. They talk about investigating, but I am sure the conclusion is that the shooter acted alone, no one else is involved.

Maybe they may even create fabricated evidence to link this to Russia or China. Watch the spin and get dizzy in the coming days. It is actually easy to pay someone with terminal illness to carry it out and that person, knowing his days are numbered, may be ready to make the sacrifice. Why did they have to kill him outright? Dead man tells no tales right.

Conspiracy theory or not, just look at the Iraq War. Everything is possible in the face of desperation. 



  1. The question being asked is why did the Secret Service Security personnel on the roof not taken action against the would-be assassinator after he was spotted on the roof? They probably had instructions to just take out the shooter, assuming that Trump had been hit on his head and would not survive. Little do they know that the bullet only grazed his ear and Trump did not die after all.

    Had Trump succumbed to the assassination attempt, the death of the shooter will provide no more clues as to who is behind the plot. Of course, it is now up to them to invent stories and fabricated evidence to steer the trail away from leading to the perpetrators. The same way they waylaid the rest of the world over the Nord Stream bombing, with the narrative ending with five men in a boat. What a joke? Like telling fairy tales to a three-year old child and expecting him to believe with wide opened eyes.

    Many are saying that this assassination attempt gives Trump even more support for November. Was this a set-up by the Democrats or a sleight of hand by Trump is anybody's guess. USA politics is full of intrigue, and nothing given away on the surface. Netanyahu has given his two cents worth, calling this assassination attempt as a threat to democracy or something to that effect. What is he talking about? Is he saying that Trump stands for democracy and Biden is a dictator?

  2. Hi Anon 10.50

    It should be was this a set up by the Republicans not Democrats.

    Dotard is Republican and that Bidamn is Democrat.

    Part two plot as in queue after that ex Taiwanese Scoundrel ex President Chen when he won a second term using this trick.

    Daft voters allover the World why should they felt sympathy for this type of incident?

    Cannot understand the Stupidity of the Apes Men.

  3. The Democrats are the dirtiest pigs on the planet. How many people did the Clintons silenced during those years of Bill's presidency? People just disappeared, some probably ended up in barrels stuff with concrete in Lake Mead, now surfacing with receding waters. There was the saga of the Hillary Clinton's Whitewater controversy that saw many witnesses against her died under mysterious circumstances.

    This is not to say Republicans are angels. They are of the same DNA, evil to the core.

  4. Dotard Trump should have been killed and civil wars broke out in the UAss.

    What's beautiful sights they shall be.

    1. I'll be opening champagne and celebrating for months. Cheers.

    2. https://youtu.be/Phge4FN3zqw?si=ndUYcOf9EDe3P9b2

      This by George Galloway's that civil wars to break out if Dotard were to be killed.

      Hello Elephant Shooter aim properly why only glazed the ear?

      After all you are been paid to be killed.

  5. Let us just enjoy the show. Like Anon 4.10, have the champagne ready. The spinning on the media is too complicating and making people dizzy. Let the media fight it out.
