
Zelensky Circus was a big flop. From Peace Summit to Piss Summit

 Clown Zelensky invited 160 nations' leader to visit his Circus and see him perform personally in Switzerland. Only 92 countries sent a rep. Only the head of govt of the G7 and 4 other states sent their heads of state to watch the Circus. The rest sent low level staff as a token of support. After all, they cannot refused or their masters, the Americans would be angry and might kick their asses. Caveat, 3 European organisations were included as countries, ie European Union, European Parliament, European Commission, anything but countries.

After the performance, Zelensky produced a joint declaration for the attendees to sign. It was reported that only 80 countries signed the declaration. This was reduced to 78 when Jordan and Iraq confirmed they would not sign. Minus the 3 European organisations, it meant only 75 countries signed.

What were in the declaration? Item one, security of nuclear energy facilities. Item two, safety of food production and supply. Item three, exchange of prisoners. Of the three items, only one is related to the Ukraine War but nothing to do with securing peace. What happened to Clown Zelensky's Peace formula?

Why did Zelensky's number one backer, Sleepy Joe, refused to attend? Is it yoo degrading to listen to a clown, and had to fly all the way to Switzerland, wasting his precious nap time to watch a circus clown? The President of the USA would not lower himself to be in a circus with a clown. He only ordered his cronies to attend. How many cronies were arrowed by the Americans to attend?

And many national leaders too would not lower themselves to make this foolish and time wasting trip to Switzerland. India, South Africa, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Thailand, Mexico and UAE refused to sign the joint declaration. And India is America's great ally! Oops, got to include Jordan and Iraq.

Anyway, Clown Zelensky claimed that it was a big success. Did he mean he is winning the Ukraine War or peace is on the way? Or he was able to collect enough donations to live happily ever after? The Circus is an embarrassment for those that attended. Many Swiss said so.


  1. 4G-led Singapore is shut out of BRICS ! Rest of ASEAN countries can join BRICS !

    Russia names main condition for BRICS membership - any country seeking to join the BRICS group should not participate in illegal unilateral sanctions, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has said, emphasizing that this is a key criteria for Moscow to welcome new members.

    Speaking at a press conference in Moscow on Tuesday, the diplomat touched upon Russia’s vision for the further enlargement of BRICS.

    “For us, one of the key criteria for admission to BRICS and welcoming partner states is non-participation…in the illegal sanctions policies, illegal restrictive measures against any BRICS participant, first of all, of course, against Russia,” Ryabkov stated.

    This stance is met with “full understanding” by other BRICS members, Ryabkov noted. Moscow expects such a position to maintain its “core nature” as the group grows in the future, he said.

  2. We sorely miss the wisdom and visionary guidance of LKY . . .

  3. Hi Anon 9:47, please don't include me in your "we". LKY had contributed to build sg, got rewarded/honored handsomely, end of story. Don't forget the current system is setup by him & people appointed by him in default as well. So it time to turn to the other political party to get much needed wisdom & visionary..

  4. Dementia Joe going to Switzerland is a waste of time. When his Airforce One lands back in USA, he already forgotten what he did in Switzerland.

  5. India aiya playing which way the wind blows ah?

    True blue Hypocrites!

    Know which side to take advantage and screwed their arses.

  6. Clown Zelensky was making a fool of all those who attended the peace summit in Switzerland.

    Out of 160 countries invited, only 92 countries attended, and out of that 14 did not agree and refused to be included in the joint declaration.

    Zelensky claimed it was a success. A success in the sense that he made a complete fool of all those who attended. And the stupid Swiss have lost its good name and credibility as a respected neutral nation in the process.

    How could so many countries be manipulated by just the most corrupted clown in Europe is indeed ridiculous.

  7. Putin today hints at arming North Korea with long-range precision missiles for strikes on US main land in response to US arming of Ukraine to strike Russia territory.

    Putin: "Statements of the United States and other NATO countries on the supply of high-precision systems of long-range capability, F16 aircraft and and other high-tech weapons and equipment for striking Russian territory. In this regard the Russian Federation does not exclude the development of military-technical cooperation with North Korea in accordance with the signed document today."

  8. Russia will transfer weapons & technology to North Korea under the new Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.

    This treaty also provides for assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties, which is similar to NATO’s Article 5.

  9. They are willing fools. Or forced by the Americans to be fools.
