
While the American terrorists are spreading fears, issuing threats, inciting wars, fighting wars....

 While the American terrorists were very busy fighting wars, instigating wars, spreading fears and threats, pouring valuable resources, manpower and funds in these wasteful and destructive evil adventures, China quietly went to the back of the moon, scooped 2kg of soil samples and returned to earth for further studies.

At the same time, China is also very busy manufacturing good and affordable products for the rest of the world, building high speed trains, ports, cities, bridges, homes, etc etc for the good of human kind.

What are the American terrorists doing? Spreading lies and disinformation, forming mafia gangs, conducting provocative military exercises and silly freedom of navigation in the South China Sea....and accusing China as a threat to the world.

The rest of the world has had enough of the lies of the American terrorists and no longer believe a word they said. Even the colonies and cronies of the American terrorists know what is going on but remain reticent for fear of making the American terrorists and the deranged warmongers in Washington more mad.

It is good in a way to let the American terrorists believe in their own lies and thinking they are still the leader of the world, and everyone is sheepishly following them. They did not know that the foundation of their homes is already rotten and about to collapse. Keep lying to the Americans and keep feeling good, that the world is being led by the American terrorists, and would obediently do as told and would worship the white terrorists as their gods. 

Keep wasting time and resources on wars and propaganda and disinformation. American terrorists, you are doing exceptionally well. Yes, American Exceptionalism that only the Americans are believing in their own lies while the world is seeing the American Emperor walking around naked, but not saying it out loud.

PS. The leaders of the whole Arab and Muslim world were partying in Beijing as guests of President Xi. Why?


  1. Putin is sending four Russian warships, including Kazan Yasen-class nuclear submarine, to Cuba next week. Russia is giving the U.S. a taste of its own medicine. Cuba is 150 kilometres off the US coast.

  2. That is great news. If USA can do it Russia can also do it. I think the geopolitical situation is changing and it is not just always the USA can do it, no one else is allowed to do it. Those days are gone.

    Actually, it is only a question of what to strike in the event of war. Nowadays, missiles can travel thousands of miles, satellite guided, and no place is safe to be taken out. This is not WW2 anymore. where nothing can travel long distances to threaten the USA. There are now hypersonic missiles that can evade defenses.

    The USA used its nuclear bombs on two Japanese cities and not elsewhere where Japanese troops still hold out. This shows that the most important targets are still within the USA. The Pentagon, White House, Military headquarters, nuclear facilities are all palatable targets.

    And remember that any pre-emptive strike by the USA is not going to take out Russia in one stroke like Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where the Japanese had no means to respond. There are still Russian nuclear capable submarines that are still fully capable of mounting a counterstrike.

    There will be no winners in such a war. Only losers that may go into extinction as well.

  3. The propaganda war is not working well for the USA and the West. Too much fake news generated makes people disbelieve in the credibility of the MSM. It is of their own making. Crying wolf too many times will make people realize they have been reading nothing but fake news.

    They keep generating fabricated news thinking that people still swallow them as in the past. It probably works inside the USA, where years of living on lies makes people really stupid. So ignorant that if you ask some of them on the streets, they think Singapore is in China. Even their Senators are totally uninformed but very good in using 'word salad' to confuse. Throwing another US$500 million into the propaganda machine will only generate diminishing returns. It is not going to make any difference today.

  4. https://youtu.be/_2YMEMJeyFI?si=vDlaGhQfaw6dH0Am

    Russia docked their Submarines at Cuba.

    Wow Good Shows

  5. Now playing Chicken!

    See who blink first ah?

    UAssA be Chicken Little!

    Want up learn how to blink?

    1) Anthony Blinking Idiot

    2) Ansyeong, Korea Badminton Female Player.


  6. The CIA Used To Infiltrate USA Media. Now The CIA IS THE MEDIA.

  7. Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, is also said to be under the control of the CIA, vetted by them as to what to include and what to not include. This is another example of the USA's propaganda reach.
