
USS Eisenhower struck by Houthis - American myth in jeopardy

 Over the last few days, Houthi spokesman triumphantly announced to the world that they had hit the American aircraft carrier Eisenhower in the Red Sea. The Americans vehemently denied this. Its Captain even posted a TikTok clip showing F18 hornets landing and taking off from the aircraft carrier, meaning nothing had happened to dismiss the claim by the Houthis. Unfortunately viewers of the American Admiral's TikTok clip was immediately exposed as an old clip posted several months ago. The big question, why would the Captain post a dated TikTok clip only to be confirmed as fake, disinformation when he was trying to prove that all is well?

Did the Houthis hit the Eisenhower or they did not? There are now two competing versions of the truth. There is no recent pics of the Eisenhower to prove otherwise. It would be so easy for the Americans to do so, not so easy for the Houthis.

The Eisenhower was on its way down the Red Sea, in the southern half of the Red Sea when Houthis claimed to have hit it. Under normal circumstances, if the Eisenhower is safe and sound, not hit, it would have continued its journey south into the Arabian Sea. Why did the Eisenhower make a U turn back north? Was it going back to the Mediterranean Sea? No, it was doing a circus trick, going round and round near Jeddah in the middle of the Red Sea. Why? Why going no where, not going south or north? What was its mission to enter the Red Sea but now sticking around Jeddah when it was steaming into the Arabian Sea?

It was engaged in a massive attack on Houthi positions in Yemen. Has it completed its mission? It does not make sense for an aircraft carrier to be floating in the middle of the Red Sea doing nothing. A very wasteful and costly manoeuvre.  It must have many important tasks to carry out. 

Or was the Einsenhower hit and damaged by the Houthis? Is it waiting for a dock in Jeddah to do some repairs on its deck? Very likely Jeddah would not have the capability or facility to repair a damage aircraft carrier. It would be better to sail back to the Mediterranean Sea and back to the USA for repairs if the damage is serious. It cannot go further south as the Houthis would drop more bombs onto it and causing more damages. 

One analyst suggested that it could not sail through the Suez Canal as many journalists would be waiting there with their drones to take pics of its damage platform. It would then not be able to cover up its lie that it was not hit by the Houthis. It would be a big embarrassment to the Americans and exposing the weakness of the defensive capability of their aircraft carrier.

When the Houthis could easily target and hit an American aircraft carrier, what would be the fate of American aircraft carriers in the South China Sea against China's aircraft killer missiles? For the moment, until proven, the Eisenhower is going nowhere except to hide in the middle of the Red Sea, hoping no one can take a pic of its damage top, and do a quick repair job to hide the damage. The longer the Eisenhower is stuck in the Red Sea, cannot go anywhere, the higher is the fact that it was hit and damaged by the Houthis.

How long can the Americans hide the truth from the world? What a joke if the mighty American aircraft carrier can be hit by a rebel people's militia, not a regular armed force? The Americans can continue to lie about their invincibility and superiority in weapons and technology, only to be discredited day by day in real combat situation.  Well done, Houthis!


  1. The Brits have still not learned their lesson, sending its two bathtubs to threaten China and Russia. During WW2, the 'Prince of Wales' and 'Repulse' did not even need to enter the war and were sank by the Japanese upon leaving harbor.

    Aircraft carriers and their support ships are now sitting ducks for hypersonic missiles and drones. They may boast about 'submarine killers' that targeted submarines that posed hidden threats to aircraft carriers. They may be able to track such submarines before they get too close, but hypersonic missiles are another matter. Their speed does not give ample time for countermeasures, and it just takes minutes from launch to hit its target.

    Of course, the USA has to downplay the incident involving the Eisenhower, and even to deny the reality, but to upload a clip from the distant past to try to fool viewers is a tad too foolish. It is counterproductive. But how to produce a clip with the aircraft carrier showing its wounds? Desperate situations call for desperate response and the only way was to lie about it with a clip that backfired.

    Many analysts were also talking about the recent Iranian retaliation against Israeli attack on its embassy in Syria, that caused much more damage to Israel than what we are being told. The Israelis have made great effort to cover it up, as it was a big disaster for the 'Iron Dome' invincibility myth.

  2. https://youtu.be/KEadwMzbwtg?si=2GgVh9w2Jbjwifyk

    Houthis missiles and drones on UASS Carrier.

    Scurried away 148 kms to hide.

    Last time at CNY asked one of relatives son in Sinkieland navy why no go to the Red Sea.

    Said all scared to send ships there as scared kena sank.

    The UAss no choice had to send theirs to show sordarity not scared ah not scared ah!

  3. The USA thinks their aircrafts carriers will scare the Houthis. Whenever there are trouble brewing anywhere, they will send their 7th fleet or whatever fleet to scare the enemies. Now it is a different era.

    Now it is a case of aircraft carriers having nowhere to run, nowhere to hide and nowhere to avoid the hypersonic missiles. War is not going to be the same as the old days.

    1. Plus aircraft carriers are the largest vessels in an armada and they're slow moving. Perfect targets. Cannot miss.

  4. When aircraft carriers are hit, where are those fighter jets going to land, I wonder? I do not think they will float if they land in the sea, LOL.

  5. Even the USA nuclear 'attack submarine', the USS Connecticut, appeared to have been piloted by blind submariners. On October 8, 2021, it hit an 'unknown object' in the South China Sea, sustaining damage, which they tried to downplay while limping to Guam for repairs.

    What was the unknown object was never known or disclosed. Imagine a nuclear submarine with all the highly touted monster of a threat to others and highly trained crew, hitting an object that they could not identify? Sounds ridiculous.

    Wonder whether there was a radiation leak being covered up. Who knows?

  6. Why none of the aircraft in Eisenhower can fly to attack the Houthis? Does this say anything?

  7. Wars have evolved over the centuries - from stone axes, to spears, to bows and arrows, to rifles, to cannons, to tanks, to fighter jets, to rockets, to missiles, to aircraft carriers, to nukes.

    Presently it is drones and hypersonic missiles that rules. Cheaper, better and faster. Aircraft carriers have had their days, and it is almost over for them.
