
USA wants to make more enemies to have forever wars.

 Remember the saying - 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'.

The USA wants to make more enemies so that it can continue to have forever wars. And the main enemies of the USA are now closing ranks to take on the USA. Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are more than a handful for the USA to deal with. Three of them are nuclear powers, with Iran already on its way. The West including Israel had pushed Iran to change its stance about not going nuclear due to religious constraints. Iran does not lack the expertise to become a nuclear power. It is now changing its stand and the West and Israel are worried.

Russia and China were at one point engaged in a cold war, but the USA pushed Russia towards a warming relationship with China. This can realistically be said to be a blessing in disguise for both countries, now co-operating on all fronts. It is becoming the biggest political blunder and regret of the USA's inapt foreign policy. With all the so-called foreign policy advisers and strategists at its disposal, how could the USA be so wrong.

Russia is not Iraq or Syria that had been trampled and destroyed for not following the dictates and succumbing to the bullying of the USA. Russia is a nuclear power and will not just be shoved aside at the whims and fancies of the USA. North Korea is smarter than what the West made it out to be and it now refused to be bullied with its nuclear power status, puny it may be. That is why Iran is so eager to have the bomb to deter the bullying by the USA, Israel and the West. 


1 comment:

  1. War is the USA's only economic savior, and the USA needs enemies. All the advantages that the USA held in the past after WW2 are gone or have been overtaken by others.

    The USA could not compete in manufacturing as it had been hollowed out due to greed. The USA no longer controls the oil trade in US$. The USA lost its geopolitical influence in Africa, South America, ASEAN and Central Asia. The USA lost its edge in space exploration, renewable energy, ship building, high tech innovations and soon will also lose its last legacy in semiconductors.

    What the USA has left is a huge propaganda machine that everybody knows is generating nothing but fake news. But that setup has practically lost its last sliver of credibility. The war in Iraq exposed the extent of the propaganda that the USA can generate, and how dangerous it was to believe in it.

    The USA's global military bases will not last if the US$ hegemony falls apart. And the US$ hegemony is about to be defanged when the de-dollarization movement picks up with the expansion of BRICS.

    Slow and steady is how BRICS is dismantling the US$ hegemony.
