
Trade Wars will end western domination and isolation of US and Europe

 The clowns in Washington and their hybrid in Europe are working day and day to expedite the demise of the American Empire and western domination over the rest of the world. With the flurry of sanctions and trade wars, they are building walls around them to stop trades with China and the rest of the world. Only clowns think this is a great idea, not to trade with the biggest consumer market and the factory of the world

The final result will be the isolation of North America and Europe from the Global South, resulting in the rest of the world surrounding the cities of North America and Europe, a classical guerilla warfare strategy invented by Mao Zedong. The West can trade among themselves, buying and selling overpriced expensive goods and services that are of lower quality or outdated. They can continue to live with 4.5G network and lying to themselves that it is 5G, live with low grade GPS, WW2 train system, internal combustion engine ICE vehicles emitting carbon monoxide and poisonous gases to pollute their cities, and pay extremely high prices for them, sell their agricultural produces, wines and food within their own economic community, no cheap consumer goods from China and the Global South...and using the American dollar and SWIFT banking system.

The rest of the Global South will trade happily among themselves, enjoying the latest technology like 5G/6G, Beidou global mapping system, high speed trains, cheap, efficient, clean and high performance EVs with equivalent efficient and high performing EV batteries, cheap and good commercial aircraft, cheap and good agricultural and consumer products using digital currencies, block chain technology and efficient supply chains, and using Chinese chips, etc etc...a new world of AI, run by AI.

While the West is using the threat of derisking and decoupling to frighten the rest of the world, the latter is working conscientiously to decouple completely from the West, starting with de dollarisation led by BRICS. Nearly 100 countries from the Global South will be meeting BRICS partners in coming summit in Russia. This is about every country in the Global South minus the North American and EU countries.

Once the decoupling is complete, no Global South country will see the need to trade with the American and European states. There is no need to buy super expensive goods and services that are of lower value and usefulness than what they could buy within the BRICS community. The poorer EU countries would not survive for long as they cannot afford to pay for lower quality and super expensive products in the West and would jump ship very soon. No amount of coercion from the Americans and NATO can keep them inside the obsolete western community. They need to leave and join BRICS just to survive and not be bankrupt.

The irrelevant West would be left with just G7 and shrinking to maybe 2 or 3 states in a matter of time. UN would be disbanded and BRICS would assume its place as the new United Nations of the World minus the poor white countries. This is the future to come.

WW3 has started, launched by the West. But it would be purely an economic war. When Russia and China are prepared and able to return the nuclear warheads to the West, no matter how reckless and stupid they are, the clowns in Washington and Europe would know that there is a limit to their savage and aggressive behaviours and actions. 

We are all witnesses to a brave New World of greater equality and fairness and more peaceful without the white savages in charge to make wars to kill and depopulate the world just to control the world for their own benefits. No one in the Global South would be using the US dollar! They have no need for the dollar when they trade among themselves using their own currencies and a new financial system, no more American sanctions. Whither the dollar? This is the brave New World.

Picture credit to Cyrus Janssen. The Global South surrounding the American and European world.


  1. The Global South will keep expanding. The G7 had already shrank from G8 after they evicted Russia. Trying to keep the G7 bloc exclusive to the Whites and fake Whites is not to the liking of the rest of the world, the Global South. It is an assumption that no other country can reach the economic status of those in the G7. How wrong they were!

    China already proved its point, becoming the second biggest economy in the world. The most surprising outcome of China's rise centers on the fact that China is a socialist state and was thought incapable of rising to the level of the G7 countries. China proved them wrong and attained its position in a much shorter time than anticipated. Russia, Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia are perfectly capable of rising to give countries like the UK, France, Italy and Canada a run for their money to be among the so-called elites.

    China just took 30 years to zoom past all except the USA, which it is causing alarm even to the USA itself. With China's help in infrastructures, transportation systems and other facilities, Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia will probably take a shorter time to be among the top ten biggest economy. China and Russia's economy are already among the top tier of the so-called elites.

  2. White supremacy to suppress the rest of the world is their own undoing.
