
Time to rewrite world history written by savage white men

 Time to change all the world bodies and keep them neutral and not be the mouthpieces of the Anglo-Saxon Whites.

I think humankind ought to take a long hard look at all the history that were written by the Whites, to honor the Whites and for them to use against the colored races.

It is really preposterous that they claim discovery of this and that country when Natives were already settled there before they came, maybe for thousands of years earlier. North America belongs to the Native American Indians long before the Whites set foot on the continent, and they claimed they discovered it. What a load of crap!

It is so sad that Natives of most countries like North America and Australia were exterminated to near extinction, without the ability to fight back and reclaim their land. All at the hands of heroic cowboys and barbaric troops and White convicts. Australia was used as a 'penal colony' and dumping ground for White criminals from the UK, and they probably massacred the Aborigines.

China and India were perhaps lucky that no Anglo-Saxon Whites could claim to have discovered them. How could they when both nations already existed as civilizations long before the Whites showed their faces. 


PS. American cowboy heroes were all killers of Red Indians, participating in the genocide of Red Indians.

1 comment:

  1. The D-Day hubris is also distorted history. It practically left out the biggest part played by the USSR in the defeat of Nazi Germany and Hitler. That part of history was and is never mentioned.

    The USSR lost 27 million people, a quarter of its population then, during that conflict against Nazi Germany, and not worth a word of mention in the D-Day ceremony in the past? And the USA and its allies have the cheek to gloat that they lost very much fewer soldiers defeating Nazi Germany. Of course, after the USSR did the heavy lifting and decimating Hitler's army, all they did was basically mopping up operations of an already defeated enemy.

    The USA and its allies really know very well about taking credit fast where credit is not due. They wrote the history books, and the credit will remain theirs for claiming generations into the future. If it is in the history books, it must be true after all.

    Nury Vittachi advised people not to take what the West says on anything, but to believe in the opposite of what they say. That is why avoiding the MSM is the safest way to get at the truth. In the war over cyberspace, some believe that the West is in reality losing the information war. Which is why they are resorting to silence those whose view do not align with whatever propaganda they manufactured.
