
The Taiwan issue is China's internal affair. It brooks no foreign interference

   No matter how the Evil Empire plots and plans of using the Taiwan issue to undermine China's security and contain China it will find itself banging its head against the wall. The US has created a horrific mess in both Europe and the Middle East via its villianous actions in Ukraine and Palestine respectively yet    even before their evil plots over there are settled it has found fit to stir up trouble  in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. 

The US has no intention to live in peace with China. It harbours ill intention to undermine China's security and to contain China with the ultimate objective to destroy China. US cannot be trusted. Do not waste time engaging in useless talks with the satanic Evil Empire which says one thing and immediately after the talks indulge in doing nefarious things. China must not delude itself  and must realize that her best security is still in being fully and totally well prepared for war against an insane United States whose leaders are irrational and in a neurotic state of  bellicosity. The native American natives were not wrong to warn us that "White  men speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted." China must take note --   'Ignore the American natives' warning at your own peril.'

US is bent on stirring trouble in the Taiwan Strait by encourging the treacherous DPP traitors to stealthily walk a slow step by step into independence. A walk into independence means a declaration of war and that war will not be confined to Taiwan alone for China will and must bring the war full force into the US mainland to let the US feel the full painful impact of war which for the last two hundred over years the US only let others suffer from its open naked aggression   due to its mightier military force. But this time an aggression against China by   interfering in Taiwan which is entirely China's internal domestic affair is a   different matter. If the United States dare to start a war in Taiwan or the South China Sea, China will not just fight them over there but will bring the war to mainland America via its fierce and mighty supersonic and hypersonic missiles, rockets and unmanned AI guided supersonic bombers. China may also bomb America from bases in Cuba, Venezuella, Guatemala, Bolivia and perhaps Jamaica too. 

China is a peaceful country and the Chinese people do not want war. But the Chinese people are also not afraid of war. So should the Evil Empire engineer a war against China over Taiwan, the whole Chinese people will fight them fiercely and courageously with one heart and one mind and obliterate them from the surface of the earth.


Friday, 7th June,2024



1 comment:

  1. The despicable Anglo-Saxon Americans ever a coward always bully and trample on weak countries big or small. That was how it overan the native American states and took over all their lands to form the satanic United States. That was how it invaded and trampled on the weak but peaceful Hawaiian natives after killiing and genociding hundreds of thousands of native Hawaiians before annexing Hawaii to US. The demonic Anglo-Saxon Americans also invaded and occupied Puerto Rico, Guantanamo, Guam, Diego Garcia by force through deception and subterfuge.

    All the wrongs and evil deeds of the United States must be justly settled one day on pay back time and the stolen lands be returned and restored to the rightful owners the natives.

    Yang Long Fong SG
