
Singapore risks mediocrity at the top?

Commentary: Singapore risks mediocrity at the top if too few high-calibre people join politics

Founding leader Lee Kuan Yew and his team were so successful, they made redundant the narrative of a vulnerable Singapore that needed the best to serve, says former veteran newspaper editor Han Fook Kwang.  CNA

My instant reaction is nay. The best talents Singapore has are all in the PAP and now inside the Parliament, running Singapore as Ministers, Dep Ministers, Ministers of State...Mayors etc etc. Everyone of them would command at least a million in the private sector. And PAP has them all to run the country. It is a misnomer to say that too few high calibre people join politics. It is too many high calibre people have joined politics to the point that there is a dearth of talents in the private and commercial sector...to the extent that foreign talents are brought in by the plane loads to fill up top positions and still not enough. The govt is still crying for more. And poor Piyush Gupta has to double up as Chairman of a park on top of his CEO job in DBS, because they could not find anyone else to do it.

And there are so many of these top dogs that have to carry many top positions to shoulder the big burden of the country, because all the top talents are now in politics. 

And if what Han Fook Kwang said is true, and more from the private and commercial sectors are to be roped into politics, how many more ministers and mayors would be needed to make sure they get the same pay or more in politics? And how many more foreigners would need to be brought in to replace them in the private and commercial sectors?

By the way, how many positions in politics need top talents? How much talents needed to be a minister of state or a mayor? Or is there too much mediocrity at the top now? I say nay again. Those in politics are the top talents, the best in Singapore, and deserving the millions they are paid.  Never question how good they are. They are worth their weight in gold. Only those that are paid less than $500k are mediocre.

Can anyone imagine paying millions for mediocres? Cannot be, cannot be. 

What do you think?


  1. Good morning All

    Wow are they describing of their own?

    Square useless pegs in round holes!

    Their Ministers and other Senior Evil Serpents just on Auto Pilot and just wayang a bit here and there gong round taking photos with the heartlanders hillbilies.

    Son of a Gan as the Canvasser of businesses for Sinkieland?

    Can get business meh? NOT evena simply knowledge of Commerce.

    Why appointed as DPM when he in the first place not even in the First List of Candidates.

    Why. Because he is a Safe Bet as Yes Man.

    OYK too ahem ahem!

    Scary ah?

  2. What most politician does is about personal interest, follow by political party, the government and finally the peasant. Sinkieland like to said it practice meritocracy, but in reality, it is more cronyism. Pinkies is one very good example of failed/mediocre leadership.(in actual fact he is not a born leader but nurtured by his daddy to look like one).

    1. See one talk video by an old uncle who said why they put George Yeo against LTK in Aljuined!

      Cause he's a threat to the old PM?

      So only way to rid of him?

  3. Migrant (aka Indian) workers sleep, drink on roads near dorms sparking motorists’ concerns

    Ms Dipa Swaminathan, founder of migrant welfare charity group ItsRainingRaincoats, said workers who consume alcohol have little choice but to do it outside the dorms.

    “If the dorms kick them out, where else are they to go?

    “No wonder they resort to roadsides, because they won’t have the energy at the end of a long day to walk a long distance to a recreation centre, especially if it means they have to walk all the way back after having a meal and a few drinks,” she added.

    If LKY is around, u think this allowed to happen ??

  4. The clowns should offer the Istana grounds to let them drink and sleep. This is how we care for foreign talents. Their country may not be kind to them, we can be kind to them.

  5. https://youtu.be/_k79iL3ihmA?si=zMUvWTIWdthKD46a

    Is this also happening in Sinkeland?
