
Russia and Vietnam - Vietnam War allies in warm embrace

 After seeing the adulation that Putin received in North Korea and Vietnam, the USA is distraught and angry.

The USA thinks it had Vietnam in the bag with all the visits by its leaders a year or two ago. What else happened after those visits? All quiet on the Western front.

Now that Putin has visited Vietnam, making deals including security, the USA is panicking. The USA is practically paralyzed and unable to accept the warm welcome that Putin received in Hanoi. It was a slap on the USA's face again, showing the USA and the EU that Russia does have friends.

Now the USA is talking about its focus on deepening ties with Hanoi. Just believe in the opposite of what they will do, as what journalist Nury Vittachi of 'Fridayeveryday' advised. It would be more realistic that the USA will now be thinking of ways to punish Vietnam economically, with investment pullout and more barriers against Vietnamese products. You can bet on that.

The USA has now been given a taste of its own medicine, sending high ranking officials to Taiwan to antagonize the Chinese. Now the shoe is on the other foot, with China and Russia sending top leaders to friendly countries. Li Qiang just visited New Zealand and Australia. Putin went to North Korea, receiving the same warm welcome and had the same reception in Hanoi. Two months ago, Xi went to France, Serbia and Hungary and was welcomed in style and making more deals.

Does all this give us a clue as to why so many countries are queuing to join BRICS? Vietnam is not in BRICS yet but has been invited to join the summit in Kazan, Russia in October. The chances are it will be joining BRICS soon. Vietnam is important as it has the second biggest reserves of rare earth that the USA is eyeing. The USA is not interested in Vietnam for any other reason, and we can be sure of that. 



  1. Trump is openly telling his supporters that Joe Biden is responsible for the presence of drugs hidden in the White House. The drug discovery story in the White House has been totally blacked out. The USA Secret Service just closed the case without a clue. The MSM are not asking questions either and hopefully Trump will ask the pertinent question during the debate.

    It is hard to believe that with all the security cameras and all, they could not find out who left the drugs there. But since it happened in the USA, just believe it is mission possible even if impossible. Only in the USA.

  2. Do not forget that USA 'exceptionalism' extends to everything, even lying, cheating and stealing. What is a little cocaine in the White House after all? It is just cocaine and if USA can invoke 'exceptionalism' at its whims and fancies, why not Joe Biden?

    A little cocaine in the White House is insignificant, affecting only Joe Biden and maybe his beloved son. Compare that to the walking dead on Kensington Ave, Pennsylvania, with a whole street full of people high on drugs. And that is not the only location. It is a nation-wide drug addiction problem. It probably is good that drug addiction extends from the ground right up to the top of the pyramid, so no one can complain, right? So, why try to blame China?

    Give old Joe a break, will ya! Poor old Joe is suffering elderly abuse at the hands of the Democrats and has a pile of problem regarding his son, his own health and how to deal with gangster and ruffian Donald Trump. What Joe really needs is a nice place in an old folk's home, undisturbed, not having to be pushed around by handlers telling him when to sit, when to stand, when to turn around, when to walk and when to fall, oops.

  3. Cannot say like that! Joe is going to continue being the next President of the USA.
