
Rise of the South Korean Klowns

 South Korea summoned the Russian ambassador over Putin's visit to North Korea and his threat of supplying the North with weapons.

Russia's ambassador should ask the South Koreans what about South Korea supplying weapons to Ukraine to fight the Russians, despite repeated warning from Putin. The South Koreans think they are also bestowed with the same 'exceptionalism' as the USA doing what it likes without consequences. The Russians are just paying back the South Koreans with the same coin. Russia is now telling the South Koreans that nothing that the South Koreans can do against Russia is without consequences.

Vietnam likewise must not forget that during the Vietnam War, South Korea was the biggest supporter of the USA, with more than 300,000 rotating troops in Vietnam fighting against the North. 



  1. What Yoon Suk Yeol is doing to South Korea is no different from what Olaf Scholz is doing to Germany. Both are totally beholden to the USA and bending over backwards to please the USA. The way Yoon was groveling at the feet of Joe Biden during his recent visit to Washington was disgusting to say the least.

    Germany is already tasting it's just deserts for following the USA's agenda in Europe. Yoon is doing the same to South Korea in East Asia. He wants to escalate the situation on the Korean Peninsula by supplying weapons to Ukraine, thinking this will gain favor with Joe Biden and the USA war mongers. Now he is caught in a bind. Putin is supplying arms to Kim Jong Un and that is bad news for South Korea. He is still threatening Putin when he was already warned earlier.

    South Korea supplying weapons to Ukraine will not change the war in Ukraine one bit. It is the same as other NATO countries pouring 'game changing' weapons and achieving nothing positive. The USA and NATO had been doing it for more than two long years and South Korea is hoping to change the situation with a few dozen pieces of howitzers? What has South Korea achieved for its involvement with the USA in Vietnam? Still on the losing side, despite supplying more than 300,000 rotating troops fighting alongside the GIs.

    This time around, if hostilities break out on the Korean Peninsula, it will not just be China on the side of the North Koreans. Russia has a security arrangement now with Kim that if one side is attack, it will involve the Russians too. NATO can do it, so does Russia, China and North Korea. The sword cuts both ways.

  2. South Korea is a damn Imbecile that are controlled by the Whites.

    See the DMZ Documentary, besides the Americunts, the other wasted potatoes, corns, wheat and burgers gulping just stand around doing nothing but staring at the North side are the NATO idles most useless uniformed parasites.

    Frankly soldierings are for the most useless beans in this World that does nothing but idled around on what's guards?

    Why let the Whites divided them their own kins and families?

    The Whites main agenda is to rule and divide and some damn daft Asians like the Pinoys and South Koreans are allowing them to control them.

    Stupidity indeed.
