
Putin's glove is off - You want a nuclear war, bring it on

 The Evil American Empire has been bullying the whole world, now specifically Russia, with the mantra that the Evil American Empire can attack or go to war with any country, and can arm or gang up with all its allies to attack a country, and no country can come to the aid of the victim of the Evil American Empire. The whole of Europe, and American colonies and cronies all over the world can supply weapons, financial aid, propaganda support, and sanction Russia, but no one can do the same for Russia.

Russia would have to fight Ukraine and the whole Evil American Empire plus colonies and cronies alone. Anyone thinking of supporting Russia would be attacked by the Americans, be sanctioned, be cut off from the American banking system, have their assets and funds in American and western banks seized by the Americans.

And the monkeys of the world agree to this American Rules Based Order. The rules are set by the Americans, for the Americans and of the American Empire. Not a single monkey would dare to question if this is the right thing, a good thing. Or they are incapable of thinking after being drugged by the Americans or coerced into compliant doggies by the American terrorists, unable to think anymore.

Putin has had enough of American terrorism and has taken off his gloves. You want to play with fire, let's play. Putin is not only going to arm his allies and friends, he is declaring that all the countries supplying arms to Ukraine are combatants in a war against Russia, and he has the right to hit back, and not ruling out using nuclear weapons. His nuclear forces are now on high alert. Any monkey itchy enough wanting to have a taste of nuclear bombs on their cities and homeland?

To hell with American Rules Based Terrorist Order. Putin will set the order. Everything is on the table. Putin will be the first to fire a nuclear bomb if needed to, if Russia is being attacked. He is not going to be the silly gentleman standing there to be kicked and killed, with hands tied behind his back. Bring it on, American savages! You want it, you can have it.

North Korea, Iran and friendly Arab countries would be getting all the weapons they need to defend themselves against the American and European savages. Trust Putin, he would deliver his nuclear bombs when the time comes.

1 comment:

  1. Don't leave out Cuba and Venezuela from the list of arms recipients. Other countries oppressed by the sickest country on earth are lining up for aid too. And the demented bidet is still sleeping on the job.
