
Proud Japanese are waiting patiently for the kill. Do not be misled by their bowing

 How the Japanese could live with that nuclear horror is beyond belief. Were they harboring any resentments? Not that we can see on the surface, but then, the USA is not discounting that everything will be forgotten as well.

The Japanese probably realized and relate to how the rest of Asia feels about its atrocities committed during WW2. I believe they are just living with the troubling devil in their inner souls that cannot be exorcised.

But the poor Japanese are totally strangled at present. Even when trying to stabilize the Yen, they need to seek permission from the USA. And Janet Yellen is warning them not to go overboard. She probably fears the worse if Japan needs to sell off its massive treasury holdings to prop up the Yen, which is bad for the USA. That is how bad a situation the Japanese have dug themselves into today.

So, the Japanese are in desperate straits and God knows how this will end for Japan going forward. Nothing seems to work. Abenomics and Kishida-nomics failed. They thought that raising interest rates from negative will help, but it backfired badly. Doing what they did during the last two world wars, by attempting to expand its empire, is not going to work either. China, Russia and North Korea are no more weaklings that they encountered during the last two world wars.



  1. The Japanese is waiting for the USA and China to destroy each other. The USA is waiting for Japan and China to destroy each other. The USA knows the historical baggage carried by both China and Japan and is capitalizing on it.

    Japanese are no longer proud like its Samurai days. Japan is as subservient and obedient as a dog under the control of its master, the USA. It is no longer a Sovereign State, but a vassal state of the USA, like South Korea and the Philippines. The USA tells them to sit in the corner and they have to obey. The USA tells them 'Let us go out for some exercise or drills in the South China Sea' and they have to obey.

    That such a proud country like Japan during its heyday and falling from such heights is appalling. It is indeed shameful, and the younger Japanese have to suffer the shame of being trampled upon.

    The arrogance of the Japanese then was legendary. They treated other Asians like slaves, slap them like slaves, tortured them and massacred them like flies. They acted like what the USA is behaving today. No consequence, answering to no one, unrestrained by global bodies like the UN and using threats and its military capabilities to silence any dissent.

    The world wants all that to change and hopes for someone bold enough to step forward to make a change. It may be late in coming, but thoroughly welcomed.

  2. Or waiting to be killed by both sides.
