
Philippines is fast becoming the 'Sick Man of ASEAN'

 The Philippines is fast becoming the 'Sick Man of ASEAN' without less and less foreign investments, particularly from Chinese investors. With a population of about 120 million and growing, jobs are needed. Of course, it can go back to rely on outsourcing its manpower and womanpower to other countries, working as sailors, maids and nurses. But will it help to develop its domestic industries for the long term?

China is investing more in Cambodia and Laos, two staunch long-time supporters of China that are now opening up. China called them 'All Weather Partners', not 'Iron-Clad Partners' with iron chains attached, that are subject to be eroded by rust.

Vietnam and Thailand already reaped much of the benefits of Chinese investments for decades. All are part of the BRI including the Philippines. But China must avoid the Philippines at all costs. It is a clear vassal state of the USA, openly hostile towards China and a provocative tool being used by the USA towards China.

High speed rail projects are already on track among many ASEAN countries, with some already operational. The Philippines had been talking about HSR decades ago and implementation is still on hold. China was reported to be the 'best option' for HSR projects by the Philippines. There was a joint development with Chinese funding but derailed because of the South China Sea dispute. As it stands, HSR is not coming to the Philippines any time soon. With Duterte still in power, that could have been a totally different situation altogether.

On land, a good rail transportation system is the best bet for a country with wide ranging land mass to move forward and progress. It is the first thing that investors will look for. Movement of raw materials and finished goods depends on speed and timely schedules and is the pre-requisite for attracting investments.

As the rest of ASEAN moves forward with good transportation systems in place, they get first bite of the cherry as far as attracting investment is concerned. That will leave the Philippines languishing behind the others and becoming the 'Sick man of ASEAN'. Giving more military bases to the USA is not going to help. And the USA is not going to help either. 


1 comment:

  1. Sinkieland can help the pinoy to build the HSR, with our harakiri Khaw leading the project. The project will be super cheap, as we use cable tie to secure most of the part. Also it will come with pond on certain part of the track. We also have good contigency plan for train break down as we have been practicing it every year. We can also get our Kleopatra Saw to help build more retail business along the HSR. Not to forget our highly trained Army general to run the operation if needed.
