
Overcapacity - Boon and Bane

 The mischievous American losers have invented another catchphrase to attack and demonise China. Overcapacity in production of goods is bad according to the Americans. The simple reason, Americans cannot compete against China in the production of good and reasonably priced goods. The Americans want to produce goods and sell them at high prices, overpriced vis a vis Chinese goods that are as good and often better. So, China, by being more efficient in producing goods, is demonised as bad and must be stop from producing good and cheaper goods in great numbers.

As they said, one man's poison is another man's meat. What is bane for the Americans is a boon to all the poorer countries that now can afford to buy the same goods, better quality goods that are cheaper than Made In USA. A simple example is mobile phones. How many people can afford to buy Apple mobile phones, that is now an essential life style item, not a luxury? Imagine if China is not there to produce alternative mobile phones that are equally good at a fraction of the price of Apple, how many people in India, Africa and the rest of the world can own a mobile phone for their daily use.

Overcapacity is just a lame word used by the mischievous and American cheats. When China is producing for the rest of the world, there is no overcapacity as the demand is greater than the supply. China's over production is also making people of the world, including the Americans, richer by increasing the purchasing power of their respective money. The people of the world can now buy and access good quality consumer goods at prices they can afford.

The American liars are not lying only to the people of the world, but also to the Americans. Many Americans would not be able to live a better quality of life without cheaper Chinese goods that flooded American supermarkets like Walmart. The average Americans would become poor, the poor Americans would become poorer. Instead of helping the poor Americans, the clowns in Washington are making imported good from China more expensive for the Americans by raising tariffs.

The people of the world are becoming richer with their money being able to buy more useful products from China's overcapacity. The rest of the world would want China to produce more and sell to them at cheaper prices. The Europeans and Americans would also greatly benefit from the EVs that China is producing, better and cheaper than even the Japanese top brands like Toyota, Honda, Nissan and Mazda. Chinese EVs are the best in the world and selling at very friendly prices that no one can resist. By the way, Toyota has been caught cheating and fabricating many critical specs of their cars, including safety issues, air bags etc etc. Toyota's reputation has gone down the drain, like Boeing.

Only the mafia in Washington are blocking access of good Chinese EVs to the average American consumers and forcing them to buy half baked American EVs at double the price of a Chinese EV.

I rest my case.


  1. Overcapacity? What about weapons and toilet paper printing. Only losers crying foul!

  2. It is all hands to the pump for the Whites, having been forced to support the US$ hegemony after Saudi Arabia's historic move not to renew the 50-year pact of selling oil in US$.

    The Whites are aware that the loss of the US$ hegemony means the end of their White Supremacist mindset that they enjoyed for the last few decades. They will fight tooth and nail together to sustain the status quo.

    But the days of the US$ hegemony is nearing its end, and this really terrifies the Whites, which is why they are standing together to face BRICS de-dollarization moves. But more countries are rushing to join BRICS and there is nothing the USA vis a vis the G7 can do. They can get together every day to talk cock and sing song to their hearts content.

    The biggest irony and really laughable outcome of all is that the G7 is being led by Biden who is already gone in the head, behaving more like a walking dead. He even does not have a sense of direction and tends to wander off at odd moments. Where he is leading the G7 and in which direction is a joke.

    Like the Pipe Piper of Hamelin Biden is leading the leaders of the G7 into obscurity. Suffice to say, some are already as dumb as a doorknob, like Olaf Scholz and Giorgia Meloni and will follow the crowd.

  3. Watch 'Peanut Hawk' on Youtube for more entertainment clips of Biden's gaffe. Hilarious!
