
I love China - an ex Taiwanese 我爱中国, 我是中国人



30 min interview of a Canadian Chinese/Taiwanese and his personal view of the rise of China and world affair. He was from Taipei, moved to Shanghai and eventually settled down in Canada with his wife and 4 daughters. His views are those of a family man, a Christian and a Chinese. He loves China and wishes China to become the number one prosperous and strong country which would benefit the whole world. 

He is widely travelled and his wisdom came from his own experience and his beliefs. He as seen the decline of America, the rise of China and, the trust the Arab and Muslim states have in China to bring peace to the world. An honest view from a family man without the biases and influence of politics.

There is a specie of creatures in Singapore that have no race and no ancestors. They look every inch like Chinese but did not think they are Chinese. They are offended if they are called Chinese or related to Chinese. They did not know what race they belong to. They did not know who were their grandparents or great grandparents etc etc, believing that they did not exist. The best local description of such creatures is orang cina bukan cina.

PS. The interview was conducted in Mandarin, with no English subtitles.

May 4, 2024 MONTREAL 崇哥,60后,客家人,出生在台北。他是为数不多的,愿意在镜头前谈两岸关系的人。他说在台湾,80%出生在1950-1970年代的人,会认为自己是中国人。一次乘坐出租车的遭遇,让他下定决心离开台湾。谁也没想到的是,他移民的地点,是中国大陆。四个孩子都在大陆接受了小学教育,学习的是热爱祖国,热爱人民,热爱中国共产党。 如今移民加拿大蒙特利尔的他,面对镜头说:两岸统一迫在眉睫,我永远都是中国人,我以自己是中国人而感到无比自豪!

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