
Decadent, corrupt and dysfunctional American Democrazy versus super efficient CCP that is for the people, by the people and with the people

 Picking on mistakes by communist countries had been the preoccupation of the USA and the West. Then, most Communist countries were still largely dirt poor after WW2, with the Soviet Union providing just a semblance of a communist country competing against the democratic system of the West.

After WW2, the USA, untouched except in Hawaii and facing no destruction on the mainland, became the richest country in the world, providing loans to other countries for rebuilding and selling weapons galore. The Jews in USA rose to prominence in the scheme of things and now controls all the major banks in the USA. Does that also tell us anything about the USA's support for Israel at all costs? The Jew's power in the USA Congress is legendary.

The Soviet Union was in no position to compete with the USA after WW2, though it tried, and by 1991 had to let go of most of its Western satellite states like Ukraine, Belarus and many others. Drawing upon the collapse of the Soviet Union, the USA thinks its sole superpower status is sealed and unlikely to be challenged again. The thinking was that no other country will ever rise to take on the USA, or that they will also collapse like the Soviet Union trying to do so. They did not see Russia and China rising under the radar over the last few decades.

However, those days of warp thinking of having no communist country competing with them are over. They betted on their democratic system being able to rule forever and spread. It is the other way round today, with democracy making all the fatal mistakes for the rest of the world to see. The weaponization of the US$ hegemony for sanctions against the rest of the world is a perfect example. The unimpeded printing of the US$ was another that caused all their debt problems, resulting in the spread of USA inflation across the whole world.

The USA and the West are now trying to cover up a massive economic misadventure and fighting tooth and nail to preserve the US$ hegemony that is ending soon. The end of the US$ hegemony will remove most of the ills plaguing the world. The USA will not be able to support its more than 800 military bases around the world, its military spending, its forever wars, its aid to Anglo-Saxon White countries to retain their imperialist aims in Africa mainly.

Suffice to say, the reported spending of the USA military officially announced is just the tip of the iceberg. It is far more than that being trotted out. Remember that they can lie without batting an eyelid. So much rampant corruption is festering within the USA military establishments. Heard of the US$600 toilet seat covers for the military that we can buy for S$40? And an item for its military (I can't remember what it was) costing hundreds of US$ that can be bought for about US$10 at a hardware store inside China? Such a rip-off is unheard of, but why worry when the USA can just merrily print toilet papers to go with it anyway?

China's rise as a communist country put paid to all the decade-long boasting of the USA and the West using the obsolete argument that democracy will always be a better system than communism. Nothing is now further from the truth. And the USA and the West are nervous of what the rest of the world is seeing with China's rise. It must be stopped by hook or by crook. 



  1. Western Demo Crazy all humbugs.

    Only favours those who are alreday at the Tops and also their own kakis.

    Connections Period.

    Elected one term four or five years then strike whilst the irons are hot to line up their pockets and banks.

    No guarantee that they be lining up more any new terms.

    Whereas So called Socialists or Communists System if you want to demonise them as EVIL and Dictatorial with their own so called selections and appointments are their best choices as whats they knew.

    If have a Patriotic and Capable and Able One and Able to galvanise their peoples then the Sky the limit.

    The Leaders had to leave a legacy of either Shames or Honour in their name when they are gone.

    Whereas Hambug Demo Crazy ones are easily forgotten and some even unnoticed as wall flowers and cloak tails parasites after even One term.

  2. If China had left problems like homelessness and drugs issue to fester, what do we think will the MSM and the US Government be doing today? Those problems will be hyped up to high heaven and how ineffective is the Chinese Communist system.

    But, on second thought that will be counterproductive. That is because the USA is in the same boat, leaving homelessness and drug abuse issues in the lurch. So, the pot is unlikely to call the kettle black.
