
Chinese students not going to USA to study humanities...humanities are for Americans

 Chinese students had not been going to USA universities to study humanities en masse in the past and certainly not today, which serves them no purpose for jobs in China that demands knowledge in three disciplines - Science. Engineering and Mathematics. China had been training all the engineers and scientists to helm their developments in science, high speed rail, space technology, shipbuilding, infrastructure construction, semiconductors, EVs, jet engines, and anything and everything that needs such skills.

China does not need graduates in the humanities to teach and quote Shakespeare's Midsummer's Night Dream, which is a comedy. China does not want to import foreign bad habits that had already been imbued in student's who went there to study, being brainwashed by corrupted and immoral behaviors such as drugs, violence and lying, cheating and stealing.

Even if the USA universities deny Chinese students to study Science, or even to enroll in USA universities, it will not stop China's upcoming generations from having the knowledge in Science, Engineering and Mathematics. Chinese universities can play that role better, cheaper and faster by tailoring such courses to suit the country's push forward in a new renewal energy era. That direction had already been charted long before the USA realized it too late.

Moreover, the Chinese Government have little fear of such students studying at home, as opposed to those studying in the USA from staying behind after graduating and helping an ungrateful enemy from taking advantage against China and yet crying foul. It also saves Chinese parents much in terms of the monetary loss from supporting such expensive education in the USA, which can be attained in a much cheaper, better and safer way at home and helps the Chinese economy. 


1 comment:

  1. Humanities are for USA students. But the USA is turning out to be less 'humanistic' than China according to Yani Varoufakis, the former Greek Finance Minister, LOL. That is not what China has to say, but from a Greek saying it. I wonder if the pro-USA shrills are going to say that Yanis Varoufakis is being paid by the CCP to say such things to favor China.

    But what is wrong with that accusation is that the USA is doing exactly the same thing, paying defecting Chinese to accuse China of doing un-humanistic things. US$300 million a year for funding such propaganda by the USA could be playing an even bigger role for those anti-China campaigners. It has wormed its way into even media outlets in India as well, like Wion and First post. Wonder whether Channel News America is also infected? Just suspecting only!

    Why do Chinese students need to go to top USA universities to study Shakespeare or learn cooking and washing clothes? And paying a kings ramson for that. People in China are not interested in Shakespeare. Chinese in China have all the classics to study for, LOL. And Chinese cooking is in no way interior to Western cooking. Just listen to all those Western travelers now going around in China and enjoying the delicious good and cheap food all over China - from Peking ducks to Sichuan dumplings and to Xinjiang's Muslim food, all eliciting excitement, thrill and praise at first bite.

    Oh, not to forget that USA elites were said to have visited Fukushima earlier specially to enjoy contaminated seafood, just to savor the special Michelin Japanese culinary delight, LOL. The taste must be electrifying!
