
Chinese banks run by Chinese are the top banks in the world

 Chinese banks dominate the top positions globally nowadays. Who put them there? Not the Whites or the Indians. If Whites are so great bankers, why have they lost the top 4 largest banking positions to Chinese banks?

If Indian bankers are also that great, how many Indian banks are among the top 50, not to talk about top ten. Only one, the State Bank of India at number 48. How much was its assets? Just about US$700 billion. The top Chinese Bank, The Industrial and Commercial Bank, the biggest bank in the world, has assets of over US$6 trillion.

USA companies dominate the global companies in terms of size, but they had a head start over Chinese companies. And the USA is now taking steps to prevent Chinese companies from growing too large to overtake their own biggies. The same way that the USA is trying to stifle China from overtaking it as the largest economy in the world.

The Indians are great in maneuvering themselves into top positions in big USA companies, not starting it themselves. One Indian even managed to maneuver himself into becoming the Prime Minister of the UK. If the Whites are really that good, why lost the plot to an Indian? Strange isn't it? And to a descendant of a colony of the UK at that.


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