
Austin lying about Ukraine

 Putin has achieved nothing in Ukraine, so says the brain-dead USA Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin.

He obviously never looks at the map of Ukraine today and how much territory Russia has gained so far into the war. The whole Eastern flank, the Donbass region, are all under Russian control. Those are the most industrialized zones in Ukraine and the richest food producing region as well. That is nothing achieved by Putin? Who is Austin trying to delude?

Contrast the achievements of the USA and NATO two years into the war. What have they achieved despite all the aid and weapons given to Ukraine? What have they to show in terms of territory taken back from Russia? Not an inch to show! And Biden gloated about turning the Ruble into rubble and Russia going down on its knees. Another 'theory of victory' turned to dust.

The only achievement, if I can call it achievement at the expense of allies, is the USA and NATO being given an opportunity to get rid of obsolete weapons, and the USA Military Industrial Complex being given the chance to make hay while the sun shines, selling new weapons to NATO.

And Austin thinks he can lie and get away with it? He has to do better than that. His ignorance is truly astounding. He has taken the 'theory of a Ukrainian victory' to a whole new level.

And with all the clowns attending the Shangri-la Dialogue, who needs to go to a circus? Not even when it is an expensive circus to put up.



  1. Off topic, I would like to talk about the Middle East conflict and the clown show put up by the USA.

    The USA was supposed to have built a sea pier on the Mediterranean coastline of Palestine for moving aid into Gaza. That pier was built by the USA Military, which supposedly must a real robust military strength logistical equipment. The biggest joke was that the pier could not even withstand relatively strong winds and waves and broke apart just as soon as it went into operation.

    That speaks volumes of the highly touted USA engineering capabilities. Social media pro-USA shrills like to cast aspersions at Chinese products calling them junks. Now who is turning out junks? The USA Military itself of course. But that sounds like good news for China and Russia, knowing what their common enemy's high miliary standard really means.

    For a moment, I hope not being called another conspiracy theorist, I was thinking whether this pier breaking up was intentional, to help the Israelis fulfil their agenda of destroying the Palestinians using starvation. The Chinese Hokien call it 'kay puat toh' or pretend to fall or fail. That attempt to build the pier could be the USA ploy just trying to pull wool over the world's eyes that they are doing something to help the Palestinians, and that they knew it will fail.

    If Israel is adamant about stopping aid flowing through the Rafah crossing which Israel now controls, why would the Israelis allow such similar aid to go into Gaza using that pier? It makes little sense. Was it really the weather that destroyed the pier, or something more sinister like what happened with the Nord Steam pipeline sabotage. Think about it!

  2. The Black Gorilla lives too long in the jungle and have lost his map reading ability. He is reading a map of the jungle, where everywhere looks the same. Ukraine is not the same two years apart. That Black Gorilla does not know it.

  3. Deny, deny and keeping denying the obvious and the reality will change.

  4. Send him to the Ku Klux Klan as a present. They know what to do.
