
America's War is Business is turning against the American Empire

 The Americans have been conducting the Business of War for several decades, actually since they seized the land of the native Red Indians. It was and still is the most profitable business of the white Americans. How on earth could they end up owning the continent of North America without wars? How could the European savages conquer and colonise the world and looted the wealth of the whole world if not by wars?

The Business of War has been so profitable that the Americans completely abandoned the real businesses or manufacturing goods and services for the good of the people of the world. How much profit can a mobile phone make? How much can a hamburger make compares to the selling of a war machine like a warship or a warplane? A dud fighter aircraft could sell at $200m a piece! How much is a hamburger or a mobile phone? How many million pieces would they have to sell to get the same return for a dud aircraft that is falling off the sky almost daily?

Sure, the Business of War is great business to the Americans that they farmed out all other manufacturing to the rest of the world. These businesses are for stupid people to sweat and toil to earn a few dollars. The Americans are smiling quietly with the millions and billions they are making, for a long time, without competition. And the sellers, the Americans, set the price. Sometimes the buyers would buy willingly, sometime by coercion, sometimes by deception and lies, sometimes by no choice, as the Americans would start a war in their neighbourhood and inciting them to fight among themselves, selling threats, imaginary threats and fear.

All is good business for the Americans, and wars become perpetual wars, forever wars. And when one war ends, another would be started. Caveat, as long as the wars are controllable by the Americans and the Americans set the rules, war would always be very profitable to the Americans.

Then comes Ukraine that changes everything. The Americans thought they would continue to be in control of such wars, and would be the eventual winner, calling the shots, the tempo and limits of the war. Unfortunately this Ukraine War is not going the way the Americans want it. The Americans are still making a lot of money in this war, and best, no American boys and girls is dying for this sicko war. 

The American are still selling a lot of weapons to the Ukrainians and also to the Europeans to support this American unending war, through fake donations and aids. Every cent the Americans paid would be repaid by the Ukrainians and the Europeans. So the Americans hope.

The Americans did not hope or foresee that this Ukraine War is now under the control of the Russians, and the Russians are determining the pace and how the war is to be fought and for how long, where and when. The Russians are not only turning this war into a war of attrition, but an endless war to be determined by financial muscles, by who is able to last longer financially and emerged as the victor. 

The Ukraine War is a very expensive war to the Americans, so is the war in Gaza. It is all about weapons, like drones, missiles and heavy artillery. The Americans love expensive wars to make more money. The floating pier at Gaza, crumbled after a few weeks of operation and the Americans are claiming that it cost more than a billion dollar for that piece of Lego crap. And Ukraine and Gaza are just two black holes for all the weapons produced. The economy of Ukraine cannot sustain this war when it is not functioning, so is the economy of Israel, both frozen and shrinking. Money, manpower and resources have to be diverted for the war effort. As long as the war continues, it would continue to drain the resources not only of Ukraine and Israel, but also the US and Europe.

How long can the Americans, the sole supplier of all the weapons, last, or to produce the weapons for the wars, compromising the other sectors of the American economy? American manpower and resources, including the bankrupt Fed Reserves would have to feed this war. A lot of money must go to purchase the material for war machine, to pay the workers of war machine. The opportunity cost to other sectors of the American economy would rise and cripple the bigger and real American economy.

On the other hand. Russia has a lot of resources available in oil and gas and agricultural produces. Russia is self sufficient and its economy barely affected. And Russia has the whole Chinese economy on its back, plus the BRICS countries and all the enemies of America supporting it. Europe is going bankrupt by the day.

The Business of War is turning against the Americans. Once they cannot print more dollars, or when the dollar is no longer wanted by the rest of the world, this great American Business based on war and destruction would collapse. The rest of the American and European economies would come down like a house of cards.

Live by the sword, die by the sword. Live by wars, die by wars. The American war economy cannot continue to run in this very expensive war of machine and weapons. The war is currently fighting on existing weapons, but are running out in a matter of time. Americans' enemies only need to keep throwing cheap drones and rockets or missiles at the Americans and it would be enough to bankrupt the American war industry and its real economy.


  1. Alpha male Putin warns that Russia could provide long-range weapons to others to strike Western targets

    President Vladimir Putin warned Wednesday that Russia could provide long-range weapons to others to strike Western targets in response to NATO allies allowing Ukraine to use their arms to attack Russian territory.

    Putin also reaffirmed Moscow’s readiness to use nuclear weapons if it sees a threat to its sovereignty.

    The recent actions by the West will further undermine international security and could lead to “very serious problems,” he said, taking questions from international journalists — something that has become extremely rare since Moscow sent troops into Ukraine.

    “That would mark their direct involvement in the war against the Russian Federation, and we reserve the right to act the same way,” Putin added.

    The United States and Germany recently authorized Ukraine to hit some targets on Russian soil with the long-range weapons they are supplying to Kyiv.

    Putin said that using some Western-supplied weapons involves military personnel of those countries controlling the missiles and selecting targets, and therefore he said Moscow could take “asymmetrical” steps elsewhere in the world.

    “If they consider it possible to deliver such weapons to the combat zone to launch strikes on our territory and create problems for us, why don’t we have the right to supply weapons of the same type to some regions of the world where they can be used to launch strikes on sensitive facilities of the countries that do it to Russia?” he said.

  2. Well said Anon 9.58 and Putin


    Two can play the same games

    Have all the countries that are near the UASSA, the Brits, the Aussies and the Euro Nuts have their also Miltary Arsenals.

    Why exclusive to the damn Scoundrels?

    Hello Sinkieland want to buy two or three Small Boy and Fat Boy or not?

    Then just have a regular unit of Rockets Company, no need Battalion and have our poor souls no need to serve what's National Slavery!

    Any Agressor follow Putin's style just activate the Rockets Company to scare the Shits out of them.


  3. https://youtu.be/zBtCnsJr9hc?si=wZ-iCRmUdbiTyypb

    Putin's warning to the West

    Anytime we shall Toast you imbeciles.

    You let a Senile old man who had lived long enough to send you all imbeciles to HELL.

  4. https://www.youtube.com/live/bfq5XPv7uBU?si=_ayueN7UjgjItgfJ

    Another one telling the Americunts to go protests.

    Shits scared Russia would just bombed them to ashes without warning just as they did on the Military Operation on Urukiane.

    God's will that the West must be turned to dust for the East to live in peace.

  5. Earlier on they had drones attacking the Russians radars trying to incaptivate their air defence.

    Small little calfs of Poland, Swedes, Swiss to poke the Russians Bear!

    Thinking Putin is bluffing.

    Ooh oh we have one SinkiesLand nut going to the Fiacso Swiss Peace Summit.

    If Putin release his Fat Mama then all become Wolly Woks.

    Anyway she had enjoyed enough with her millions for so many years.

    Aiya worth it to be Wollywok!

  6. USA's propaganda machine is also turning against the USA. Its credibility has been taken to the cleaners by social media. All that funding is going nowhere and backfiring.

    Backfiring because of the ability of social media to counter the lies and providing the truth with evidence. When lies can be countered, the USA better stop fabricating lies that will do them little good. This is no longer a world that the MSM and the world of propaganda can get away with any fake news generated freely by the USA's propaganda machine.

    Take issues about China as an example. All the bad mouthing about China, its infrastructure, its suffering people, its inferior racial stock, its human rights record have all been countered, not by China itself officially, but by foreign visitors to China and uploading videos of what they actually saw. A picture or video is worth a thousand words.

    China knew that countering the lies generated by the world's biggest propaganda machine of US$300 million a year is not easy and a mountain to climb, and for years refused to engage, knowing it is difficult to convince the world with the USA and the West dominating the dissemination of information.

    Moreover, China is a tad less efficient in scope and volume regarding write-ups for an English audience globally, as the more effective write ups are basically by Chinese educated academics and in Chinese that Westerners do not and never read. Not to say that China's media Journalists lack the mastery of the English language. Far from it, as we can glean from reading well researched articles, listening to enlightened interviews and watching well documented videos on Global Times, People's Daily and CGTN in English.

    The Chinese are also not using English in their discourse at major meetings and summits, preferring to do so in Chinese. Xi Jinping speaks English and German and Mandarin of course, but he seldom uses English, his second language, when he speaks. That is showing patriotism and never shying away from being Chinese.

  7. Right Anon 12.17

    When must the PRCs spat English on international conferences and summits?

    Must be proud of your own Language.

    Let's them get their interpretations!

    Now the Africans that those who are disconnected with the Frenchies French Caps decided NOT to spat Frenchies.

    Russia Putin also spat Russians.

    Sergey Lavrok sometimes spat in English so that the Morons can understand him better.

    China's XinGang spoke English and kena replaced.

    Attracted too many wanted flies that have to be swat away.


  8. Should be let them have their translations not interpretations.


  9. US forcing third countries to welcome people they don't want.

    June 02 - The Maldives government will ban Israelis from the Indian Ocean archipelago, known for luxury resorts, as public anger in the predominantly Muslim nation rises over the war in Gaza

    June 05 - U.S. lawmakers are crafting a bill called the Protecting Allied Travel Here (PATH) Act, which aims to prevent the Maldives from banning Israeli passport holders from entering the country.

  10. The USA lawmakers are enacting laws for other countries forcing them to follow. This is coming to a government near you!

  11. When? Coming soon, to a government near you.

  12. To the leaders of the Free World, ie American colonies and cronies, do as I say or the assassin bullet will come after you. You are free, as free as I allow you.

    European colonies of the Empire are so free, not to trade with China and Russia, willingly, not forced by the Empire.
