
Americans trying to woo India away from China and BRICS

 Kurt Campbell is still unaware or acting dumb not knowing that India is actually playing both sides, pitting the USA against China hoping for them to destroy each other. He probably has never heard the saying about trusting an Indian compared to a snake.

Both the USA and India are untrustworthy snakes themselves. They both hope for the destruction of China. When China is destroyed somehow, India will not get any better treatment from the USA. That is a pipe dream for the Indians.

The USA never look at Indians or other colored races as equals. As long as India plays a subordinate role like Germany and Japan, helping and follows diligently the dictates of the USA, it will be left alone. But India already is telling the world that it is an up-and-coming superpower. The USA is not going to take that lying down when the time comes. That is why some call USA the 'United Snakes of America' not for nothing, LOL.

What are Kurt Campbell's real agenda for attempting to boost the ego of India regarding recruiting Indian students to study science in the USA. Isn't that going to lead to India becoming another China? He is actually also playing both sides, cultivating and using India to counter China with a little bit of encouragement here and there. 



  1. Two issues still stand in the way of the USA's effort to woo India.

    First is the Muslim issue in India and the perceived mistreatment by the Modi Government against the Muslims, which the USA and the West were and is raising does not go down well with the Hindu Government of Modi.

    The USA cannot show the world that it stands behind the accusation that Uyghur Muslims were mistreated in Xinjiang, while ignoring the issue of the mistreatment of Muslims in India. Trump may try to argue that the Muslim issue in India is an internal matter. Isn't the accusation of the Uyghur mistreatment issue also not an internal matter for China to sort out? What is the difference?

    Second is the issue involving the Canadian Government regarding the assassination of a Sikh separatist by three Indian nationals on Canadian soil. That is also fueling a dispute with the Canadian Government accusing the Indian Government of involvement. As in the Huawei case involving the detention of Meng Wenzhou by Canadian Authorities under USA's instruction, there is little doubt that Canada is not acting independently to uphold 'justice'.

    India is just toying with the USA to want to move over to the other side and against BRICS. India's rise is still in need of the support of other BRICS countries and also the market in the Global South. Competing in the USA and EU countries will see India facing the same problems as China.

  2. Actually the Americans and Indians are both anti Muslims. See how the Americans also involved in the genocide of the Palestinians.

    The Uyghur is just a fake support by the Americans.
