
American spies working for China by destroying America from within

 The Americans are yelping daily about spies working for China and arresting innocent academics and students, calling them spies with fabricated evidence. They did not bother with the tons of top secret material Trump and Biden kept, did not want to ask why they kept them, presuming that their strange fetish behaviours were harmless. Were they? Both were said to have special accounts in Chinese banks, very fat accounts paid by China.

But Trump and Biden were just greedy individuals and wanting more money for themselves and their children. And doing business in China is very profitable. All the superficial sanctions are for domestic consumption. The children of both Trump and Biden are still doing big businesses with China.

The bigger danger comes from the top brass spies in Washington working day and night to churn out policies and decisions to bring down America, and directly helping in the rise of China. Top in their agenda was weaponising the dollar. Any high school kid would know that the dollar is the pillar supporting the American 'free' economy, the privilege to print the dollar freely to exchange for real goods and services. Weaponising the dollar is the most foolish thing to do and extremely harmful to the American economy and dominance in the world. 

Why would the clowns in Washington do this? They might be clowns, but they are not stupid. They jolly well know that weaponsing the dollar will kill the American economy, undermining the trust in the dollar. And they Just Do It. Now de dollarisation is in full steam. The rest of the world have lost all confidence in the dollar. China and many countries of the Global South are liquidating their holdings of US Treasuries and Bonds. Banks are also liquidating their holdings of the dollar as a reserve, a safe haven. From a high of 80%, the holding of dollar in big banks, especially American banks has dropped below the 50% mark, and still falling.

The only states that are still buying the American Treasuries and Bonds are the American colonies and cronies, arms twisted to buy, not because they wanted to buy.

The weaponising of everything under the sky, including sanctions after sanctions are working against the American interests. America is not a major manufacturing country and needs manufactured goods from the world, especially from China. Sanctioning China, raising tariffs against Chinese goods, cutting off trades with China are all double edged sword that hurts the Americans more than China.

The real spies working against American interests, speeding the decline of the American Empire are the clowns in Washington. Their hidden agenda were never in question, and they are free to keep doing what they did, to bring down the American Empire to help in the rise of China. Superficially they are saying they are doing all these things for the good of the American Empire, exactly in the same way as telling the Arabs and Palestinians they were working for their interests. The result is in the pudding. Whatever they are doing, who benefits and who suffers? It is not what they said but what they did. Why are they making so many useless trips to China over and over again?

The FBIs are still in a wild goose chase, looking for duds to call them spies but the real spies in Washington are doing all the harm to the Americans and still being paid for and thanked for by the daft Americans. 

The Americans should ask a simple question,... Is America getting stronger and richer and more influential in the world, or crumbling to dust? Why must Trump be shouting about MAGA? Why the need to, after so many years in the hands of the clowns in Washington? Is America getting greater?

The enemies within are the most dangerous and deadly. Ask who are filling their pockets and bank accounts? These clowns work for their own interests, working for the highest bidder. Check their bank accounts. Go, follow the money.

Oops, I have let out the highest secret of the USA.

PS. Who would be leaking all the sensitive and top secrets to China until China has everything and the Americans lost everything? All the space technology, going to the moon, high speed trains, 5G/6G, EV, chips, warplanes, warships, drones, hypersonic missiles, etc etc, China has all the latest technology and America can only scratch their heads, where have they gone? Top secrets are not so easy to leak without inside help.

And Putin's Russia is getting stronger militarily and economically, thanks to the Washington spies working from within to bring down America.


  1. Sun Tsu military strategy, encourage and support mediocre men or evil men in your enemy's camp. The mediocre men will bring down the enemy camp with poor low level policies and decisions. The evil men will destroy the enemy camp with their selfish interests over the interests of the enemy camp.

    China is very happy with the likes of Blinken, Yellen, Raimondo etc etc. That is why China keeps letting them visit China to let them feel important. Mediocre men when placed in position of power really believe they are very clever when they are not.

  2. That is exactly why China is not interfering with the USA election, even though they are accusing China of doing.

    Why would China want better leaders in Washington with better strategies to pull USA forward? Just keep the swamp infested with the same low life, let them keep plotting war, let them concentrate on heaping resources on Ukraine and Israel, conduct subterfuge, assassinations, regime changes and committing economic suicide. Decoupling will hurt the USA as much as China. China still has the Global South market to do business with. The USA cannot compete in that market. The voters in USA will suffer the loss of cheap Chinese products leading to high inflation, due to high tariffs.

    On a comparative viewpoint, it is perhaps the same with letting the political leadership in Malaysia remain as it is. Singapore had benefitted much from the less forward-looking leadership in Malaysia for most of the last several decades. Had Malaysia been endowed with more capable leaders, the gap between the two countries would not have widen as much today.

  3. https://www.youtube.com/live/ofHRrWjQdQI?si=OOD1yu7maOavq-7k

    Putin's most shocking Speech against US on Necular Weapons

