
America is a nation of fakes, liars and terrorists

 Those are not the only fakes. They started a fake war in Iraq based on fake evidence. They carry out fake or false flag operations to start wars. They manufactured fake narratives about Huawei posing National Security Risk, when no proof was ever provided. They raised fake narratives about China's Industrial overcapacity when many analysts rubbished those claims.

The whole world is still hardly being flooded by Chinese EVs as yet. Even then, what is wrong with a country producing more than others? Isn't this what the USA had been doing in the past in Chips, ICE vehicles, and agricultural products that others need? Isn't manufacturing all about providing goods that the whole world needs and is what trade is all about? It is all about economic advantage.

Again, did the USA faked the moon landing as well? China must go up and see whether there is a flagpole at the spot the USA claimed they planted a USA flag, that was shown fluttering in the wind, when no atmospheric presence was found on the moon to provide conditions for winds to form. And while there, try to look for Aliens as well, LOL. The USA is so scared of Aliens that they went back to the moon a couple of times after that. Doesn't make sense! 



  1. The only thing real about the sickest country on earth is their demise.

  2. Call them liars, cheaters and thieves does not make them feel shameful. That is the irony. They are used to being shamed and immune to shame. The word shame does not exist in their vocabulary or dictionary. They have such thick skins that they openly admit being liars, cheaters and thieves. Humans have feelings. Not the USA leaders.
