
Xi's European tour welcome with pomp and galore befitting of a new world leader

 Xi Jinping's reception during his visit to Serbia and Hungary must have made the USA and EU vis a vis NATO extremely jealous, nervous and insecure. China is making inroads in Europe and that is not lost on them.

Xi was overwhelmed by supporters in Serbia, welcomed by cheering crowds by the thousands. He was even given a Military style welcome in Hungary, with mounted calvary and troop marchpast. It was a grand welcome for a foreign leader. Just like his visit to Saudi Arabia where he was even given a ceremonial fly-past salute by the Saudi Arabian air force. Compared to Biden's visit to Saudi Arabia earlier that year, which was a slap on the face that indicate 'You are not welcome'.

And what were achieved by Serbia and Hungary during Xi's visit? Plenty of economic goodies in trade and development. What was not in Xi's agenda however was about the countering of other countries in the region, though Xi was asked to use his influence to end the Ukraine War. With the USA and NATO fueling the conflict, why would China want to step in? Undoubtedly the USA has the final say in the conflict, and China stepping in is not to their liking for sure.

Serbia is not a member of the EU nor NATO. Serbia applied to join the EU but had been kept on hold, probably a hostage measure over some issues. It was a blessing in disguise. Hungary is a member of both and is the lone voice against the other EU and NATO members. Both countries are now still dependent on energy supplied by Russia. They will prosper with China's help. 



  1. Why is Xi still welcomed with so much pomp and pageantry in France, Serbia and Hungary despite all the demonization carried out by the USA and UK? Take a step backward and think about it. Who is betting on the right horse and who is still flogging a dying horse?

    Whether Xi's visit achieved much or very little as what the Western MSM wants to propagate and believe, what are the French, Serbians and Hungarians trying to show? That they do not harbor the same mindset as the others in the EU vis a vis NATO. That is achievement enough for Xi to show the world that not all relations within the EU are as solid as what the USA and the West would like us to believe. Iron-clad or steel-clad pronouncements are just a feel-good narrative to fool those not looking at the whole picture. Not seeing the forest for the trees is just a myopic view.

    And Xi's visit to Serbia and Hungary is for more co-operation in economic terms, nothing military or an unproductive exercise to counter anyone. What it is indicating to the West is also that China has managed to expand its influence at the expense of the USA and the West. Europe would be the last Anglo-Saxon bastion thought possible for China to have any tinge of being able to have an influence, and this visit is just puncturing that mindset, the same thinking that Israel's 'Iron Dome' is invincible and being punctured by the Iranians.

  2. Xi is now recognised as a great statesman in the world. He speaks carefully, in measured tones, no nonsense, and often offered good advices and economic projects to countries that needed them.

    Xi is now the most powerful man in the world. Biden, he is being led, on a leash, by his handlers. A walking zombie.

  3. Biden just took an order from President Trump. Trump said he wanted to put a 100% tariff on Chinese EVs. Biden said, 'Yes Sir.'

  4. Who is paying for those tariffs? Not China obviously. Yes sir, USA buyers of course!

    China exports only 16% of its EVs, and not all to the USA, while the other 84% or so are sold domestically.
