
Who needs to be protected?

 The American bases in South Korea, Japan, in Germany and many European states are there to protect them from being invaded. So said the evil Americans. So they hyped up that Russia is going to invade Europe, and China wants to invade the world. The truth, the Americans have already invaded these states by placing their military bases in them to control them as American colonies.

Now, why would Germany and Japan need the protection of the Americans from Russia or China? Both were empires in their own rights, and invaded Russia and China and nearly colonised them. How audacious or insulting to tell the Germans and Japanese that they need protection from victims of their aggression?

And in the western Pacific and South East Asia, China going to invade these countries? History said, the white men invaded these countries and turned them into their colonies, not China. History said, Japan invaded these countries and colonised them, not China. And who is occupying them with military bases to turn them into colonies or American protectorates, the Americans and Anglo Saxons of course. Australia and New Zealand even taken over lock, stock and barrel by the Anglo Saxons.

In the name of protecting these countries with fabricated enemies that have no intent to invade them, the Americans moved in to colonise them. How stupid can these countries be? How stupid can the European countries be? Russia going to invade them, when they were the invaders of Russia? Oops, oops, they are not stupid. They were conquered by the Americans, like South Korea and Japan, and the Americans would not leave. The really stupid ones are those that invited the Americans to have bases in their soil, voluntarily submitted to American control. Once the Americans are in, the Americans would decide who should be their leaders through regime change. Many countries in the Middle East and Africa are in this dilemma, unable to kick out the Americans. And the Americans can easily assassinate their leaders and replace them with someone the Americans can control, like the Philippines.

Actually the country that needs to be protected is none other than the Americans. No, no one is going to invade America militarily. America is still the number one terrorist state in the world. No one is able to threaten the number terrorist state. They should count themselves lucky if the number one terrorist state did not threaten or invade them. 

It is American corporations and businesses that need protection. The American industries are in the doldrums, no longer competitive and need to be protected. This is why the Americans are imposing so many sanctions, trade barriers, high tariffs, and protectionist policies to protect their industries. American EVs cannot compete, American EV batteries cannot compete, American automobiles, trucks cannot compete, American 5G cannot compete, American mobile phones cannot compete, American solar cells cannot compete, American space technology cannot compete, American weapons cannot compete, American commercial aircraft cannot compete, American high speed train cannot compete, American shipbuilding, infrastructure building cannot compete, American drones cannot compete, American chips cannot compete.....

Practically the whole range of American industries cannot compete and need to be protected. And the dumb Americans still going around chasing ghosts and spreading lies, wanting to protect other countries from imaginary enemies when their homes are on fire. The real threat and enemies are inside America, killing their economy and uncompetitive industries.


  1. The French sending more troops to Mew Caledonia is to protect who or what? Their interest of course! Not the local population definitely, but their desire to maintain control of the Island.

    Countries are now wising up and fighting to get rid of colonialism. That this is happening in the Pacific Islands is a new trend emerging. It indicates that the West is losing influence in the Pacific Islands as well.

  2. When a thief tells you he is moving into your house to protect your belongings, what would be your reaction? You would definitely be saying no such thing.

    However, if a thief uses threats and forces himself into your house claiming it is to protect your property, what would you do? Nothing of course, when he has an army in your backyard.

    In other words, what is theirs is theirs, what is yours is also theirs. Does that sound familiar?


  3. Before 1776 there was no United States of America or rather Satanic State of America. This demonic state was born out through a violent revolution against its forebears the wanton and barbaric Anglo-Saxon British Empire which established iits domain in America after killing and genociding millions of native American Indians from 1603 to the present.

    The countries of the south, the BRICS states led by China, Iran and Russia must soon liberate America and let the native Americans take back their land, their home and country.


  4. The USA is now protecting the Native American Indians from extinction by placing them in reservations. Should I call those reservations as 'concentration camps' as what they accused China of setting up in Xinjiang? When the USA accused others of doing anything bad, they surely have already done that itself. That is the undeniable truth.

    After trying to exterminate the Native American Indians, the Anglo-Saxon Whites have regained their conscience and wanted to protect the Native American Indians (from the Whites I presume). Who else can threaten the rightful owners of North America but the Whites, right? In those days, who else can invade North America to threaten the Native American Indians? Even during WW2, the USA knew that no country can ever invade the USA.

    And they have done more than that. They have set up or are setting up military bases in so many countries around the world, trying to protect the locals from I don't know who. Making up a fake enemy or threat is good enough to justify their agenda. Always uninvited but visiting with evil designs, thoughts combined with threats.

  5. https://youtu.be/rVYTugFYols?si=-nh6HOe5TAQvwbyK

    History of Taiwan.

    George Galloway's CGTN paid promoter?
