
White colonial states is a new phenomenon of the 21st Century

When the white savages from Europe set out to conquer and rule the world, the victims were mainly the natives of non white countries. From North and South America to Africa, Central Asia, South and Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, all the natives were coloured people. The white men of Europe divided the whole world as  their prized possession. It was an era of white supremacy and coloured people were just sub human beans.

After the end of WW2, the fight for independence from the white men's rule led to the creation of many new states as independent countries. Some gain full independence, some gained partial independence, some gain disguised independence like some French colonies that were still colonies of France in another form until recently when they revolted and kicked out the French and Americans in their soil for good.

Generally, the era of white men ruling over coloured people was over. But the white men's empire took on another form in the evil American Empire. In the early stages the few colonies were actually Japan and South Korea, and to some extent Vietnam and the Philippines when the Americans had two huge bases in Clark Air Base and Subic Naval Base. The permanent of foreign military forces on a country's territory is as good as that country being occupied. For though superficially the American narrative was to protect the occupied countries from external forces, in reality, it was military control of the said countries. Japan and South Korea would never ever be able to get their independence from the Americans.

Through a stroke of luck, the Philippines was able to evict the Americans from Clark and Subic and only leaving behind a small forces supposedly to fight the Muslim separatists in the South. Through another stroke of luck, the Marcos govt started to reinvite the Americans to set up bases in the Philippines, returning to the semi colonised status as before. This time the Americans would never leave the Philippines again, without a mass rebellion and independent movement for Filipino nationalist fighters.

Vietnam fought a long and deadly war with the French and Americans for their independence. So far, Vietnam has been steadfast in not becoming the colony of a foreign power despite all the pretences by the Americans to return and regain a foothold in Vietnam

At this point in time, the obvious coloured colonies of the American Empire are Japan, South Korea and the Philippines with Taiwan another colony in the making. What is astounding today is the number of white American colonies in Europe. Yes, most of the European states are now colonies of the American Empire, with American troops stationed in their territories and with the Americans calling the shot in their foreign policies. Ukraine is an eye opener in revealing the heavy hands of the Americans and their control of their European colonies. All the European states have to fall in line to support, finance and fight for the American Empire in Ukraine. Not a single European state can say no to the Americans. 

The Americans have achieved an unbelieveable position of having the most white colonies in the American Empire. Can you believe it? European states, many of whom were empires or mini empires, are now colonies of the American Empire. On the other hand, many coloured nation states are truly free and independent countries, not colonies of any empire. 

There are a few grey countries that are supposedly independent but are de facto American colonies. Just take note of the American bases in these countries, to make sure they are controlled by the Americans, their foreign policies dictated by the Americans, their media controlled by the Americans, all acting like Channel News America. Several of the Arab states are in this sorrowful state of affair, unable to get rid of the American forces and bases in their countries and knowing very well that the Americans would conduct a regime change if they dare to oppose the American dictates. 

Welcome to the 21st Centuries when white European states are colonies themselves, colonies of the American Empire.


  1. Knowing that such USA military bases are just there to conduct regime change if needed is a thought too scary for leaders of those countries to behave too aggressively against the
    Evil Empire. Duterte had been warned discreetly. Not only that, but it was a matter of survival for Duterte who admitted that he may not survive the CIA, the assassination arm of the USA Government.

    And the Evil Empire knows they have those countries by the balls. That is why South Korea and Japan are so obedient. Even the Japanese ruling Taiwan are on the Japanese wagon of compliance.

    Now the problem for some African countries, some Middle Eastern countries, some countries in South America, the Carribean Islands and Pacific Islands having to face is how to get rid of the Anglo-Saxon Imperialist clique still hanging on with their military bases still casting along shadow of threats against them.

    China and Russia are helping in Africa, but it is a slow process of elimination as the Russians are doing in Niger.

  2. https://youtu.be/qY2nm33vGoY?si=i-TawOrbnIk5fO-K

    What's a beautiful sight of UK

