
When evil rules the world

 The message that the USA is sending to the rest of the world is tantamount to just allowing the rest of the world to move along obediently and must not compete too well with or overtake the USA. As long as the status quo remains, the USA is content to allow countries to keep churning out cheap goods for the USA to freeload and enjoy and for countries to earn toilet papers to buy the USA debts.

Once a country rises above that threshold, competing too well with the USA and threatening to overtake it, that is not tolerated. The USA will start inventing narratives to demonize that country, utilizing its vast propaganda machine and coercing beholden doggies to do its dirty work. China fits perfectly into that image. Japan and Germany were China's predecessors of USA oppression.

It may be a good thing for major investment funds from the USA to flow into a country to boost the recipient country's economy, and to cut cost for such USA companies, but there are pitfalls that are proving to be a double-edged sword. Those investments by the USA could be used to bring down that country's economy when such companies are forced to pull out their investments when relations sour, resulting in economic hardships, beckoning the IMF and World Bank to go in like vultures, picking the bones of a carcass on the pretext of offering help, with long strings attached. Debt trap? We know what the consequences are befalling that country.

We have seen that in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh and including Vietnam as well. Fortunately, the major portion of investment funds into Vietnam came from Asian countries like Singapore, South Korea, China and Japan. They do not have any hidden political motives nor the intention to sabotage good business opportunities, except to make money. Vietnam was therefore able to avert falling into the same dilemma as the others despite the attempts by the USA to do it in not long ago. All because of Chinese investments in Vietnam having access to the USA market to avoid the tariffs.

Argentina is still mired in a massive debt to the IMF, that is being restructured to add more misery. The Argentina Peso had been devalued time and again, which makes it impossible to clear its US$ debt to the IMF. Dollarization by Javir Milei, another joker, is thought to be able to solve Argentina's IMF debt problem. It is crushing Argentina instead, despite praises from the USA and the West. Clowns praising clowns is not uncommon.



  1. The USA and the West could not stomach the fact that the BRI and AIIB are weakening the influence of the IMF and World Bank with regard to global infrastructure developments and marginalizing the control of the USA and the West on countries taking up loans from the IMF and World Bank, entities that are under their total control. That control by using the IMF and World Bank can be said to be a modern version of imperialism using financial strangulation.

    Much has been said regarding the BRI debt trap narrative, generated to demonize China's efforts to help poor countries to progress. Africans have been telling the West that China's loans have infrastructures constructed to show off and economic benefits reaped.

    That is counter to what the West had offered in loans just to keep them under debt traps and mired in poverty perpetually. Decades of Western Imperialism in Africa sees little progress except the installation of Dictators beholden to the West and helping the West to continue its plundering of Africa's resources.

    Many African countries are still under Western Imperial rule but are now shaking off their shackles. And many Pacific Islands are doing the same, fighting to free themselves from the yolk of imperialism. They wanted progress, not military help when no threats are evident.

  2. Not only evil ruling the world this coming November. Dementia dinosaurs will rule the world. Both dinosaurs are accusing each other of dementia. And Trump is showing dementia symptoms as well. But never mind, it is a contest to see who will make the USA collapse faster.

    The current dinosaur is a sick joke and made so many gaffes recently, 9 gaffes in all, in one speech alone and his handlers had to come out to clean up the mess. Some lost memories, some lies trotted out and some bragging rights had to be corrected.

    One classic example he proudly proclaimed was when he was the VP during Obama's Presidency, from 2009 to 2017, and he claimed to have been fighting the COVID19 pandemic during that time. It was in late 2019 that the COVID19 outbreak took place, but he just needed to lie about playing an important part during that period. Biden was not the VP in the Trump Administration then. That is how atrocious it is, having someone with unclear memories and lying like this as President of the USA. In Red Dot, he would have been consigned to pasture or to the slaughterhouse or abattoir long ago.

    1. Hi Anon 3.11

      Why he did tell them during his VP Presididency that he collected lots of protection monies from so many countries by him and his son.

  3. What if these two jokers forget which button to press?

  4. Biden was boasting in front of an audience. Like Trump boasting at the UN in front of delegates about his great work, and they laughed at him.

    These two are really the laughingstock of the whole world. But they are not ashamed. I wonder if the USA voters are ashamed of their Presidents past and present?

  5. Latest from MOATs George Galloway's show that Sonook wanted to have National Slavery for the Brits to fight Russia.

    Want to pan sai look for holes ah?

    By the time they are trained to crawl Putin shall have them bombed to dust.

  6. https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/26/europe/national-service-britain-uk-sunak-intl-latam/index.html

  7. 'Britain’s Conservative Party will introduce mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if it wins the national election on July 4, comprising military or community participation, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said on Sunday. Young adults will be able to choose between spending one weekend a month volunteering over the course of a year, or take up one of 30,000 spaces to spend a year in the armed forces, Sunak said.'

    What a great idea. This would make England strong again. Only Sunak can come up with such a clever idea. The daft Brits have no ideas at all to make England great again.

  8. One weekend a month just like those VC aka Vigilante Corps we called them Vietcong in the 60s when we were drafted for National Slavery at $60.00 and these VCs members joined the Community Club with a torch light and truncheon going round the gardens and public parks looking for monkeys.

    One very street wise friend joined when register and asked for it and told me just served for all in about three months in total and now also had whatsoever benefits we suckers serving full time at that time two years solid gets they also gets and smiling away hinting hello Bodohs why you so stupid ah?

    I was also asked whether I wanted to go part time of full time and gong gong said full time as only two years ah!

    Part-time they bluff bluff you twelve years ah?

    Too long ah! Never know that part timers only served three months one weekend in all their service till ROD.

    Whereas we suckers chia lat chia lat two years full time and then goes for reserves another five annual in camps and to add insult to injuries posted to SCDF for another two in camp trainings and also what's nonsense going round the Heartlanders to inspect their emergency exits etc.

    In total we service nearly fifteen years of our time to their three months of patrols spying for lovers monkeys

    So hello Brits better volunteer for part time once a week in community service.

    But actually all these conscripts National Service are all Hog Wash lah!

    Conscripts military as what's Scott Ritter said all Hog Wash.

    All Wash Outs if wanted to fight the professional militaries.

    So Soonok don't waste time and resources and also you with this ideas shall be kick out in the next GE.

    No one wanted to serve these type of nonsense unless be forced to do so.

    Just like Matland what's nonsense lucky or unlucky draws!

    They went in for those Outward Bound Camps like those school children on holidays.

    Waste time and resources.

    Now also stop.

    Just to add only one greatest benefit that the first two or three Pioneer batches had is the prority in getting your pigeon hole fast and early when you wanted to marry and have it within three months just like the 10% minority race now.

    Also, we can even exchange our unit between ourselves ex Reservists if we wanted to have high or low floors or directions.

    Where to find nowadays?

    Now National Slavery Reservists just once a while gave you some sweeteners of a few hundred bucks thats it!

    What's more you want ah?

    Go and queue up with the Rest for your pigeon holes and waited for the next five to six years for all I give a damn!

    You are NOT minority you know!

    Get the fark out of here!

    Thank you Mr Goh Keng Swee not that Lau Goh ah!

    He and the real Pioneer Leaders really took care of the Singaporeans.

    1. Add insult to injury after serving all in nearly fifteen years in all in Army and SCDF was told that you cannot have SAFRA memberships.

      All the while been the Pioneer Members since ROD with memberships nos below number 10 in our old memerships orange card.

      Posted to SCDF no more SAFRA memberships.

      Said cannot.

      Hello Lau Goh you and your damn ideas!

      Been deprived of so many SAFRA class facilities to the shabby SCDF facilities.

      Wanted to join even willing to pay five years memberships at two hundred plus and was told cannot you SCDF members.

      I said I First Batch CASmen and member for many years why cannot?

      They said cannnot means cannnot don't argue!

      I said you all goes round canvassing and even gave discounts and no one wants to join and I wanted to join and paid five years you said cannot!

      Real dumb and numb!

  9. See my Discharge Certificate Conduct as Exemplary.

    Why cannot join SAFRA ah?

    Also last time we called the VCs besides Vietcongs also "pak lou choos"
    Meaning hitting the rats!

    But anyway they had the last laughs.

    You Bodohs served fifteen years or so and we just served all in three months the most in total.

  10. We get what's you get all the benefits!

    Real bodohs ah!

    Sneered my friend

    1. This inequity also applied to the SPF where all having their easy and Aircond easy lifes. Chia liao bee three men to bring down and catch one man.

      SCDF with the exception of those Fire Fighters that are terok, the rest aiya easy lifes.

      Lifes so unfair ah?

    2. Oops forgot, Dr Cpl Goh K.S. also very good hearted knew we two years on these types of miserable allowances upon ROD instructed the Public Service Commission to allocate us jobs in the Evil Service.

      Pai Roti, oops Prority in having a wide range of jobs to choose accordinly to your qualifications.

      Now after National Slavery, did the Papies give our NSMen any pai roti in housings and jobs?

      Even foreigners sapou aka sweep all their evil serpents jobs.

      What's this men?

      Own citizens worse off than outsiders.

      No eyes see.

  11. They invited me to join Temasek Club I also refused.

    Let you know a secret. At one stage someone changed my particulars from officer to NCO. Even my education qualifications were downgraded from grad to non grad.

    I also don't bother.

  12. Mr RB

    Willing to pay two hundred plus for memberships because wanted to swim at SAFRA Mount Faber instead of going to Bukit Batok SCDF.

    What's wrong for ex SAF Reservists to join as Associate members?

    Also SAFRA Resorts cannot go inside their Jackport Room.

    Five years no Genting and fingers and hands itchy itchy.

  13. I live simple life, a bit like a recluse. No more make merry or partying. Maybe travel a bit when I can.
