
The True Anatomy Of War

     For over 500 years since 1492, European Christian countries have gone berserk in terrorising the non-Christian countries of the world with brutal aggressions and invasions and with treating the victimised countries native populations with  merciless atrocities and genocide. These traits of white aggressions and gingoism have been going on for centuries and is continuing right now never seem to end at all. 

As usual they always justified their aggressions and conquests in the name of their God under their several evil doctrines. In the begining they used their evil religious Doctrine of Christian Discovery to claim  that their Christian God had empowered them to take all lands and the resources within belonging to non-Christians and to kill all native peoples who refused to be converted to Christianity. Then they reinforced their doctrines with arrogant claim that white people are superior to all non-white people in Asia, Africa, North America, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand. They go on to label all non-white people as subhuman and uncivilize and that it is only natural for the superior white people to lord over and rule over them.

 Subsequently the Anglo-Saxons Americans became even more arrogant with their diabolical 'Doctrines of America's Manifest Destiny' and the doctrine of 'American Exceptionalism.'  Further more they adopt the inhuman doctrine and practise of 'Darwinism' which expounds the theory on the survival of the fittest of human beings as being no different to the struggle of savage beasts in the jungle for survival. It seems the Darwinism theory is not enough for the whites to lord over the non-white people so  in order for the Anglo-Saxons Americans to make sure they will always hold sway over all other countries  they espouse the toxic 'Wolfowitz' Doctrine which states that the USA will never allow any other country to rise up to become as rich and powerful as the United States, and the moment  America sees any sign of a country rising to become a regional power not to speak of becoming a global power America will without doubt proceed to destroy this country.

Last but not least is the Jewish doctrine of war for profit. Since the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century the Jews in Europe and America under their maniac leaders especially the Rothschilds cabal have always engineered wars to make money by the hundreds of billions. The Jews would provide funds and capital and weapons to both sides of the warring parties with high interest rates for their monetary loans. In America and Europe the rich elitist Jews of the huge corporations and banks now hold the center of power in all Western capitals like Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Rome and  Holland. The elitist Jews of the Rothschilds cabal, the Illuminati cabal and the big American corporations which together  own and control the Pentagon Military Industrial Complex constitute the Deep State, the shadow government and power behind the USA government and the body which controls US war and Foreign Pollicies. 

The white people in general and the Anglo-Saxons of US and UK in particular seem to share the same aggressive and gingoistic genes and DNA as the satanic Jews. These are the psychopaths who being armed with their evil doctrines are now creating turmoils, hostilities and wars throughout the world in all the continents of this global earth. Recently an anonymous netizen forward to me via WhatsApp an article entitled "The True Anatomy of War" which conveys the factual truth that all the present wars and turmoils are engineered and created by these evil maniacs. The article is henceforth reproduced below and should be circulated worldwide by everyone. These satanic psychopaths have no wish to have peace. They want perennial wars to maintain power and secure illicit wealth  and world hegemony. They don't seem to care that they are driving the world to destruction and end of humanity. Their wicked plan and motive must be stopped.


The article :-      The True Anatomy of War.  ( The author of this article is possibly a Filipino from Manila.)

"No nation or people want war. Simply because it means choas, suffering and death. War is disruptive and costly. Humanity naturally favours peace and prosperity.

But why do wars happen? Why do wars keep erupting around the world nonstop?

We have war in Ukraine VS Russia. Now we have Palestinians VS Israel war. And by looking at the South China Sea, Taiwan VS China and Philippines VS China is being cooked up by the United States to become the third active war to explode.

Many of us think war happens because it is a fight between good and evil. Many of us believe it is a fight between right and wrong . Many of us buy the idea that it is a fight between Democracy and Communism. It's because these are what we saw, read and heard from the TV, internet and newspapers, all of which are almost entirely controlled by the United States.

But here's the Truth : War is a racket and business, run by the Big Corporations of US and the Jewish Zionist Rothschilds Cabal. 

If we look deeper and study the hierarchy of the world economy, there are only a few companies represented by a few people. These people control control the mainstream media, the big pharma, the food industry and the Military Industrial Complex. 

Only a few heard of holding companies named Blackrock and Vanguard. But they own the majority of stock holders of these companies that control the world economy. They dictate major world events, and the profit from all tragedies and disasters regardless.

Governments and media are mere pawns of the business elite. Most presidents, prime ministers and Western world leaders are mere puppets doing what the elites tell them to do. Media companies are 99.9% just sales and marketing arms of global business empires.

When the pandemic happened , Big Pharma earned hundreds of billions of dollars from forced vaccinations. When war erupts , weapon manufacturers and contractors earn hundreds of billions of dollars. All at the expense of Government money and the taxpayers. All for the profit of the global business elites.

China and Russia may look bad in our eyes. This is because they were demonized by Western Media. But the true reason they are the enemy of the West is because they resisted being controlled  by global business elites who undermine governments all for profit.

If you noticed in the last several years terrorist attacks, mass shootings and global disasters have always happened inside countries controlled by the West. Rarely do they happen in China, Russia, Iran or even North Korea.

So the warmongers elites find ways  to provoke the above-mentioned countries to enter into a war.

Ukraine was home to to the US Bioweapons Labortory, home of Nazis and centre of child trafficking in Europe when Russia attacked it. Now Ukranians are dying, but the US keeps sending weapons at the expense of American taxpayers and all for the profit of Global Business Elites.

Now the war in Israel is not all about stopping Hamas terrorism. It's all about bringing in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Arab nations into war. The bombing of civilian Palestines by Israel in Gaza is to provoke Arab countries to join the war. Every bomb, rocket and bullet that explode and fired in this war means money to global arms manufacturers in the US and Europe.

Ukrainians and Russians are dying. Israelis and Palestinians are dying. As long as bombs and bullets keep flying, the weapons manufacturing companies in the US and Europe will continue making money.

Two big wars happen from different parts of the world. Same weapons supplier making money. No Americans or Europeans dying. Just cheering and moral support for Ukraine and Israel. Two proxy US wars at the same time. But it seems not enough for them.

Here in Asia, many are still foolish to believe China will invade Taiwan and the Philippines. The global warmongers are now bribing our government officials and media men to keep sowing hatred towards China. Of course Europe and the US will cheer for us. But they won't die for us.

The truth is China already invaded us a long time ago using trade and business. The richest businessmen here in the Philippines are of Chinese descent who  call Philippines their homeland. They embrace our language and culture, unlike Western invaders. Chinoys are happily doing their business with us and provide pinoys jobs.

Back to the South China Sea issue, it's all but Western media created conflict. China is against US forces in that area, but the US is using Pinoys as bait. So when the time is ripe, a US false flag attack may sink one Philippine ship and blame China. When the shooting starts, the US will happily supply Taiwan and the Philippines unlimited weapons. Let Taiwan Chinese, Filipinos and mainland Chinese die. All for the profit of US Pentagon Military Industrial Complex. 

It is a World War 3 unfolding right before our eyes. 

It is never about freedom, democracy or fighting terrorism. It is all about profit and control of territories with rich natural resources."


Thursday, 9th May, 2024.


Anonymous said...

The use of Christianity to further the Anglo-Saxon Imperialist doctrine is never in doubt. The Native American Indians were the first victims, closing their eyes to pray on being given the Bible and then opening their eyes and found that they had lost their land. The Bible in exchange for their land. This Native Indian saying is so spot on.

And that has also happened to the Australian Aborigines and the natives of the Pacific Islands. Here in ASEAN, the Philippines is another perfect example of being betrayed by religion and kept being poor by human overproduction resulting from overindulgence in religion.

The Anglo-Saxon Imperialist tried that in India and China as well, attempting to use Christianity to convert these two Asian giants but failed. The difficulty of converting Indians and Chinese was their deep-rooted heritage of thousands of years, that helped them see the implications espouse by the early missionaries. Moreover, India and China already have different well established religious base that have kept the people relatively satisfied with the status quo.

As Lee Kuan Yew pointed out, the Confucian and folk beliefs in China had given the Chinese people the comfort and succor for centuries. The West may call such beliefs as superstitions, but Lee Kuan Yew also asked the question of who is to say what is in the Bible is not superstition. Little wonder they called Lee a communist, LOL.

Anonymous said...

After the defeat of US in Vietnam in 1975 the US officials in the Foreign Office Department and the Pentagon felt terrible disappointment, anger and bitterness and it was a wound that festered for years. They vowed that US would never suffer such humiliation again. Since then the US Foreign Office and the Pentagon have been planning to attack countries that did not kow tow to US military might. Thus the world was to witness the First and Second illegal wars on Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. The US also carried out illegal drone strikes and illegal intrusions into other countries airspace. US diplomats and politicians openly conspired with jihadists and US created ISIS terrorists to instigate and promote revolutions in many Middle East countries. The CIA and the Pentagon also carried out cyber attacks and hacking on other countries. All these the United States claim to be forever 'The Victim'

As US does not change its similar jingoistic attitude to China and the Far East it will again claim to be the victim of its own follies.

The United States pivot to Asia to prop up its ex enemy Japan and current bed-mate is a grave diplomatic upside down calamity of stupendous proportions.

If the United States does not change its obnoxious policies to China it is not only no good for America but also no good for the world generally.

Aussie Andrew

A retired Anglo-Saxon Ex Royal Air Force pilot from a nuclear bomber squadron based in Europe and an Electronic Counter Measures Officer.

Anonymous said...

China is no push over. If US starts a war against China it will definitely meets its doomsday - its nemisis, short of a nuclear war where there will be no winner but end of mankind is assured.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Aussie Andrew.

Anonymous said...

It is true that war with China can start anytime with a false flag sinking of a Philippine vessel. Despite all the provocations, the USA knows that China is not taking the bait to invade Taiwan. China can wait, no hurry.

Water cannons cannot sink a ship, right? So, the USA will keep prodding the Pinoys to keep pushing the boundaries. When all else fails, a false flag is needed. Just like creating 911 to start the invasion of Afghanistan.

There are so many ways to start a war, and not many ways to end one. Can the USA afford to fight three wars at the same time?

Anonymous said...

The Anglo-Saxons US & UK as well as the European countries have lived a priviledge luxrious life for the last few centuries due to exploiting their colonies and other countries to pay for their countries to prosper. and live with ostantation. So much so they became arrogant and considered themselves as the chosen race of God and superior all other races which they looked down upon as inferior and subhuman.

But now the truth has come to roost. The United States and the European countries are sufferring Karma for all their evil deeds, genocide and brutal atrocities committed against their defenseless colonies and other countries. Their economies and infrastructures are crumbling and they especially the United States societies are tearing apart with horrible own made debacles of racial problems, poverty for the masses and homeless for millions of their citizens. And instead of trying to solve their own problems they blame other countries like China for causing them all these unsolvable problems. Now they think they can solve their debacles by creating wars all over the world. They illogically vent their frustrations on others and never thought that if they start to engineer wars it will actually exacerbate their problems and hasten the demise of their countries.

Lee Shu Hsien

Anonymous said...

US fake democracy is doomed to fail. US extreme capitalist society only takes care of the one to ten percent elites while the majority ninety percent proletariats are left to swim or sink. More than ninety eight percent of the country's wealth are embezzled by the elites who either pay little or no taxes, while the proletariat wage earners have to bear the burden of the country's taxes. America needs a violent revolution to topple the rogues, crooks and scoundrels monopolising and running the US government and replace it with a more equitable socialist government.

Anonymous said...

911 was a very evil extreme demonic plot by Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and other warmonger officers and generals in the Foreign Office and the Pentagon to provide an excuse and a basis to take down Seven Middle East Arab countries so that US and all the European countries and the Zionist Jews could take possession of the whole Middle East which is rich in oil both on land and the sea around Palestine and the Mediterranean.The wicked Anglo-Saxons US and UK collude with the American Zionist Jews and other white European countries with plans to liquidate the Arabs from their native lands in the Middle East just as they had genocided almost entirely all the hundreds of millions of Native Americans and eventually took over their lands to populate it with white immigrants. So 911 was a diabolical plan to destroy seven Arab countries viz Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Sumaria, Lebanon and Algeria and to ultimately decimate the Arab populations in their own native lands. Zionist Israel is planted in Palestine as a Western vanguard to spearhead the Anglo-Saxons cum Zionist horrible satanic plan to genocide all the Arabs in the Middle East.

Mostapha Subir - A Palestine patriot

Anonymous said...

The opponents of the sickest country on earth can also start a false flag violent incident involving fatalities in the current university protests. This will be the most crucial war they will be involved in. And certainly not a war they want.

Anonymous said...

The situation around the Taiwan Straits and the South China Sea is deteriorating.What does the Evil Empire want in provoking China and instigating Taiwanese Chinese traitors and the Filipinos to confront China. If US thinks it can destroy China in this way it is a wet dream for China today can give the American savages its own medicine and see to its demise.

Anonymous said...

Should US starts a war in the Taiwan Straits, China must strike at US so fiercely that it will never recover at all.

southernglory1 said...

So US wants to start another proxy war just it did in Ukraine. But instead of doing the fight itself the ever so coward Americans are making use of its pawns and poodles to die doing the fighting. Anyway don't mess with the modern China unless they are courting for their own death.

southernglory1 said...

The rogues and scoundrels of the US government enjoy seeing the suffering of millions of victims suffering from their wars and hostilities. They are addicted to the sight of millions of children suffering in agony and dying of hunger with their illegal sanctions and conflicts since the fall of Soviet Russia in 1990. The United States is a demonic power and must be destroyed by God.

Anonymous said...

US is so drunk with evil power that it thinks it can take down both Russia and China at the same time. Rather the signs are all there the evil empire will clearly meet the same fate of the Roman and the British empire. The evil empire will definitely end violently in its coming second civil war which the world can witness very soon in the next few years.

Instead of taking care of its millions of homeless the American rogue politicians are creating ever more wars overseas. It has been poking at the Russian bear for a long time and also the Arab camel. It also has been simultaneously poking at the Chinese Dragon. US rogue political leaders are all insane and mentally deranged.

With so many pressing problems and debacles at home the rogue American government should stop messing with other countries and rebuild its own country. US leaders are all insane neurotics.

Anonymous said...

The United States is heavily in debt to the tune of over 35 trillion dollars. It is reduced to the penury stage and is bankrupt financially, economically, politically and morally. US should be consigned to hell to stop it from creating more turmoils, wars and suffering in this world. Every rogue American leader must be shot on sight in order for the world to have peace.

Virgo49 said...

Aiya Anon 8.30

All for their pockets lah!

Western Type of DemoCrazy no guarantee that they shall have ever lasting appointments as Senators and Congress Men and Women and they made hay whilst the Sunshine.

All corrupted scoundrels and charlatans.

Where in the World you had sponsors for your campaigns and elections.

Even that Dotard Trump so self proclaimed billion hairs also needed sponsorships.

Then they shall be beholden to the sponsors and under theid balls.

They then be doggies to their orders and commands.

Only foolish countries followed their stupid DemoCrazy.

Like South Koreans and the Taiwanese.

Anonymous said...

The Satanic Cult will always be around to rule the USA. The worst part is that they form the backbone of both political parties, drinking from the same trough, using the same playbook to formulate their policies both domestic and foreign, and singing from the same songbook. No good people will ever be allowed to lead the two parties and have a different mindset. John Kennedy was assassinated for trying to choose a different path for the USA.

What the USA voters do not realize is that they are being given a Hobson's Choice, a choice between just choosing either the right or left hand, both being equally evil to the core.

Do not expect the USA to behave any differently for another thousand years. Where the USA cannot compete, it will just destroy and that is what is going to happen.

Humans and all living things were destroyed by what was thought to be asteroids hitting the earth. This time around, it will be the Satanic Cult of USA that will bring about the extinction of humans and other living things.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Lee Shu Hsien.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Mostapha Subir - A Palestine patriot