
The swamp in Washington DC is filled with clowns

 I just came across this video on Jimmy Dore Show titled 'Watch Biden Economic Advisor's Hilarious Fall Over Basic Money Questions'. You wouldn't believe it!

Jared Bernstein is the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors, the agency advising Biden on economic policy. The most mind-boggling revelations in that video was exposing Bernstein's total ignorance on how the Fed and USA Government function in terms of economic matters and yet he is supposed to be advising Biden on economic policies. The blind leading the blind has been taken to a whole new level literally.

Bernstein's attempt to even explain the unmitigated money printing issue by the FED really takes the cake and is really the laughingstock of the whole USA Government. And this is the kind of expertise that is probably prevalent in all the elements of Government in the USA. No wonder the USA is fouling up on every issue - military, economic, domestic issue solutions and foreign policies.

All the USA Government agencies are probably helmed by such ignorant fakes running the show and advising the Biden Administration, so much so that it is no surprise that the USA is heading into the gutter. How could such people be advising the Government when they are basically ignorant about how things are supposed to work. The ignorance is truly glaring and shameful.

No wonder the West is complaining that China is not buying into the USA capitalism script and is setting its own version of what will work for China, not following what already does not work for others.

If you follow the works of Kevin Walmsley on 'Inside China Business' you will find many well researched discourses on why certain policies that were destined to fail in the West works perfectly fine for China. Examples can be seen in how China's exports have risen despite the fall in FDI, and why a real estate meltdown and drastic fall in real estate investments still sees China achieving a 5.2% GDP growth in early 2024. 



  1. https://youtu.be/0mBcglnjloE?si=HgFz8EXvKAnG6AdC

    BRACE FOR THE Americunts banks collapse

    What's beautiful sights Nancy Pesi Cola.

  2. The seeds of de-coupling from China are really sprouting fast and furious, that will eventually cripple the USA instead of China.

    Chinese drugmakers have been making pittance providing the essential raw materials for USA drug makers, who in turn makes billions 'freeloading' on cheap Chinese pharmaceutical raw materials over the years.

    Now the USA Government is trying its very best to get rid of Chinese companies providing essential raw materials for the USA drug makers inside the USA citing, as usual, National Security Issues. These USA drug makers, just like Apple, makes billions every year leveraging on the cheap costs of their raw materials sourced from Chinese companies. These Chinese pharmaceutical providers have their supply chains inside China and are able to provide much cheaper products for their USA counterparts.

    The USA Senate is passing a law to prevent USA drug makers from doing business with Chinese drug raw material providers in areas like cancer and HIV. These USA drug makers depend on those Chinese companies to provide the basic essentials for their drugs and will suffer catastrophic crippling in their ability to function, which will ultimately affect those dependent on those drugs. USA patients with cancer and HIV, among others, will have to pay an arm and a leg for such drugs. Medicare in the USA is already hitting the exosphere and medical insurance is getting out of reach.

    The main source of materials in this comment is culled from Kevin Walmsley's site - 'Inside China Business'. Do visit his site for more details.

  3. If Trump gets elected in November, he is going to drain the swamp version 2. He is also into version 2 of his 'Make America Great 'Over' Again'. From MAGA to MAGOA. It should work as voters have very short memories and little choice. It is between the devil and the deep blue sea. Yeah, Democracy works so well in the USA!

    Is the USA great after Trump's first term? Has the swamp gotten rid of its nefarious occupants? I see little has changed. The only change I can see is the USA getting greater in inventing more atrocious lies. Not to mention the deficit is growing like a hot air balloon on steroids. And the swamp? It is just being replaced by another similar specie. And Trump's second coming of draining the swamp keeps repeating itself. It is just a game of musical chairs for two.

  4. The two biggest evils in the swamp are Trump and Biden. They are trying to get rid of each other in November.
