
The only weapon left for the Empire of Lies is lie and more lies

 To put in perspective, China only exported about 16% of EVs manufactured in the country. 84% of EVs made in China are sold domestically at present. Where is the overcapacity that China is flooding the world with EVs that the USA and EU are talking about? Even dumping is a lie as EVs sold in China are much cheaper than those sold outside China.

The USA, EU and Japan are playing catch up in EV production, but knowing they could never compete on a level playing field. First and most importantly they do not have control over most of the raw materials like Lithium as well as the processing facilities, which are in Chinese hands. The Japanese knew that much earlier and moved away from EVs, and instead concentrated mainly on developing Hydrogen Fueled and hybrid vehicles.

EVs made in USA, EU or Japan are a couple of times more expensive, cost wise, and need to be sold more expensively than Chinese EVs in order to survive. How are they going to compete with China's intent on dominating the EV market globally? They are desperately trying to put hurdles on Chinese EV manufacturers, which will impact on their own citizens having to pay more for EVs with higher tariffs.

These three legacy ICE vehicle manufacturers in USA, EU and Japan knew that 16% of Chinese EV export now is going to shoot up and dominate the market globally going forward, and they had to nip it in the bud to prevent that happening. Thus, the accusation of over-capacity is one narrative they have to invent and keep repeating to rein China in. Just as repeating the fake genocide in Xinjiang, which is now quietly overtaken by the real genocide in Gaza.

With Huawei, it was about National Security Issues. With EVs it is now about overcapacity. With semiconductors it is about containing China's rise. They will invent fake narratives to fit their agenda. Where is the proof even in the context of Huawei after so many years?

What about inventing WMD to invade Iraq? What about fermenting the fear of the fall of the dominoes in Southeast Asia in order to go to war with North Vietnam? What about creating a false flag 911 to invade Afghanistan? See the drift?


1 comment:

  1. The USA is not into inventing anything of benefit to the world. Its best achievement today is inventing lies and more lies. The USA even have a lie fabrication factory it sets up, churning out lies to be regurgitated by the MSM and its pro-USA shrills. US$300 million a year is doing great. In fact, it could even be more in monetary terms, and that is not even counting what its allies like the UK are chipping in.

    We know the lies about Vietnam. Allies, the UN and unsuspecting countries fell for the lies about WMD in Iraq to take out Saddam Hussein to control its oil. The 911 false flag was created to provide the justification and opportunity for the USA to invade Afghanistan, ironically to be a victim of 'The Graveyard of Empires'. We know for a fact that Russia's invasion was not unprovoked as propagandized by the West. The provocations had been going on for eight long years in the Donbass region. The invitation for Ukraine to join NATO, which will enable the USA, a NATO member in chief, to place boots and missiles on the ground to threaten Russia was even a longer threat that had been carefully watched by Putin and was the tipping point.

    Even then, the USA is practically running out of lies, the same as running out of sanctions against Russia. If sanctioning trees, music, sports people and even cats and dogs are not scrapping the bottom of the barrel, what other sanctions can the USA and the West invent now?

    Oh, they are trying a new approach of putting pressure on China to stop dealing with Russia in trade and coaxing China to put pressure on North Korea from helping Russia directly with weapons. And all this while starting the semiconductor war against China? China is not the Philippines, falling for the USA ploy of divide and rule. China's support for Russia and North Korea is solid as a rock, unlike the 'iron clad' support touted out by the USA in Ukraine, Israel and its commitment to the Philippines. It will all end in disappointment for these countries buying from a snake oil salesman.

    Ukraine is on its last leg, fighting with its last man standing and facing big problems with military recruitment. Israel is now a pariah in the eyes of the world, an outcast, with protest against its actions in Gaza. Further action in Gaza by Israel is going to bring about the loss of what is left of the little influence the USA has in the Middle East, particularly in Jordan, to just nothing.
