
The daft believe in the lies of the White Savages

 Lest we forget, China has succeeded in its experimental rice growing in salt water, which is basically just sea water. Rice growing needs lots of water, fresh water diverted from rivers. With sea water, it is a different perspective altogether for regions where fresh water is scarce, like in Africa.

And how can we forget about the de-desertification success of China, reclaiming deserts and turning them into orchards and usable agricultural land. How many countries in the world are doing that much for saving the earth and fighting climate change?

And yet, the USA and the West are fighting tooth and nail to prevent China from dominating the clean energy sectors like EVs, solar panels, wind turbines and demonizing China's dam construction urging downstream countries to go against such dam construction. The clean-energy revolution is going to put the Internal Combustion Engine, the legacy of the West, into extinction. High speed trains are putting the steam engines, another legacy of the West, into extinction as well.

It seems that whatever good China does is always construed as the opposite in the eyes of the USA and the West. In their warp mentality thinking, war is good and peace is bad. Under-capacity is good and over-capacity is bad. Democracy is good and socialism is bad, which had been proven to be a load of shit by China. Now they no longer trumpet the mantra that democracy trumps socialism, or communism is a grave threat to democracy. They no longer have the moral high ground to make such empty slogans.

Xi had been called a 'Dictator'. But he has done better than the couple of successive USA Presidents put together, by being able to lift hundreds of millions of Chinese out of poverty. And just look at the infrastructure developments in China under his leadership. Is that bad for a country ruled by a dictator?

What has democracy done for the USA and its citizens? Homelessness is an aggravating problem, drug problems are getting worse, crime is festering with malls being ransacked all over the country, citizens are more afraid of cops than criminals, taxpayer's money have been channeled to help outsiders rather than improving the lives of citizens, and the whole economy is thriving on printing toilet papers and being kept beathing in ICU. Oh yes, the stock market is reaching for the sky, jobs creation is out of this world, lots of back-and-forth yoyoing about interest rate cuts just to keep the soap opera alive. When the shit hits the fan, we know what will happen. Kicking the can further down the road is not solving anything. They will still have to come across that 'can' when you go forward.



  1. FT headline - Xi Jinping’s unproductive European tour

    ST headline - Limited gains from Xi’s Europe trip suggest more troubled times ahead for China-Europe relations

    Global Times headline - Xi’s fruitful Europe visit brings new impetus to ties

    Clearly the ST is aligned with the FT - and Western - narrative to smear China as usual !

  2. When a country's politicians are in the pockets of a foreign power...

    When a country's foreign policy is dictated and ordered by a foreign power...

    When a country's main media is controlled and dictated by a foreign power...

  3. Xi's European tour: Red carpets, BUT 'no breakthroughs' on tensions.

    This is typical report from Channel News America. BUT, BUT, BUT...

    When Biden visits, if he can crawl there, it would report that it was a great success. No buts.

    Biden trips on the carpet. No, Biden was doing a dance!

  4. To put in perspective, China only exported about 16% of EVs manufactured in the country. 84% of EVs made in China are sold domestically at present. Where is the overcapacity that China is flooding the world with EVs that the USA and EU are talking about? Even dumping is a lie as EVs sold in China are much cheaper than those sold outside China.

    The USA, EU and Japan are playing catch up in EV production, but knowing they could never compete on a level playing field. First and most importantly they do not have control over most of the raw materials like Lithium as well as the processing facilities, which are in Chinese hands. The Japanese knew that much earlier and moved away from EVs, and instead concentrated mainly on developing Hydrogen Fueled and hybrid vehicles.

    EVs made in USA, EU or Japan are a couple of times more expensive, cost wise, and need to be sold more expensively than Chinese EVs in order to survive. How are they going to compete with China's intent on dominating the EV market globally? They are desperately trying to put hurdles on Chinese EV manufacturers, which will impact on their own citizens having to pay more for EVs with higher tariffs.

    These three legacy ICE vehicle manufacturers in USA, EU and Japan knew that 16% of Chinese EV export now is going to shoot up and dominate the market globally going forward, and they had to nip it in the bud to prevent that happening. Thus, the accusation of over-capacity is one narrative they have to invent and keep repeating to rein China in. Just as repeating the fake genocide in Xinjiang, which is now quietly overtaken by the real genocide in Gaza.

    With Huawei, it was about National Security Issues. With EVs it is now about overcapacity. With semiconductors it is about containing China's rise. They will invent fake narratives to fit their agenda. Where is the proof even in the context of Huawei after so many years?

    What about inventing WMD to invade Iraq? What about fermenting the fear of the fall of the dominoes in Southeast Asia in order to go to war with North Vietnam? What about creating a false flag 911 to invade Afghanistan? See the drift?

  5. Whether Xi's trip to Europe is productive or not, the red carpet welcome and all the 'pomp and pageantry' tells the whole story. It shows the divide within the EU and NATO. Facts don't lie!

    The trouble with the West is they like to deny, only to regret when it is too late. Let them continue to behave like an ostrich, burying heads in the sand to avoid danger emerging at hand. Just pretending that nothing is going to happen is silly.
