
Taiwan - Shameful DPP hooligan MPs rioting in the Legislature

15 min

14 min

Two short clips of the brawl in Taiwan's Legislature showing how shameful are the DPP MPs rioting and attacking KMT MPs, robbing their documents, male MP attacking female MP, ...what a shame. Are the Taiwanese proud of the hooligans and gangsters they elected as their MPs?


  1. Taiwan is the laughingstock of Asia. This is not the only occasion of such shameful behavior. Years ago, there was the shoe throwing incident. Democracy is working very well with 'Freedom to Riot' in their Legislature as well.

    Hope they do not blame China!

  2. Look at the silly hair style of Lai Ching Te, the DPP President. He is telling the Japanese that he wants to be a Japanese. And his blind followers too want to be Japanese, to be ruled by the Japanese like before. This is the fate of the Taiwanese if they still stupidly think all is safe under the DPP. They will soon have to change their names and adopt Japanese names.

  3. ASIA countries have been living peacefully with each other till now. In parliament Taiwan DPP is the minority with a minority president, yet it shows hegemony and un-democracy. It abused and refused to account for all corruptions, oppression, suppression and evils towards its citizens with opposing views. Clearly during DPP rule, it shut down opposing news medias voices. It exhibit cults mentality to coerce deferring views. Evils beget evils.
    DPP seek war with China and is gravitating towards sparking the next ASIA war. When DPP Taiwan imploded, it will cost a ripples effect on all neighbor small countries such as ASEAN and South Pacific nations.
    As a citizen of ASEAN, I strongly voice against DPP to behave itself and not to cause hardship in ASIA. ASIA will be economical and financial ruined if war to break out in Taiwan. ALL ASEAN countries must put pressure to these hegemony minority DPP to follow all democracy principles.
    All Asia countries big or small need to exhibit kindness, peace and harmony to continue and accelerate THE-NEXT-ASIA century.

  4. Actually i prefer taiwan parleement than ours, more entertaining. MP there are fully of energy & dare to challenge their ministar with hard question. They even can get the head of gov institution to answer question. Our parleement is just like a restroom for highly paid servants to sleep.

  5. Taiwan is like the declining Americans, sinking into oblivion. The best man they could find to be President is this Lai Ching Te, looking like a goondu and think he is going to save Taiwan like Moses, leading them into the wilderness. Lai and his bunch of hooligans would be chased out of Taiwan when China is ready to deal with them.

    These are imbeciles that think they are strong and smart like Mickey Mouse.

    The KMT also did not have any real leaders. The best man is Ma Ying Jeou but he is ex President, so no much influence.

    Taiwan is like America, led by a headless bunch of clowns.
