
Taiwan - Deluded Taiwanese still thinking of breaking away from the Motherland

 There is a creeping narrative that more and more Taiwanese would want to break away from mainland China, to be independent. Some Taiwan analysts think this is a natural way to go and eventually China would relent and give up the idea of reunification with the Motherland. This kind of thinking is simply naive, foolish and a failure to understand the meaning of unification and the pride of a Civilisation. Here are some reasons why reunification with the Motherland is top priority to all Chinese and their leaders, with no compromises.

1. No Chinese leader can leave behind a legacy of letting Taiwan go independence and break away from the Motherland.

2. After being conquered and nearly colonised by the western savages, China and Chinese people would not tolerate an inch of its land to be colonised by foreign powers. A fake independent Taiwan would end up as a colony of the American or Japanese. This is a humiliation that would not be acceptable to China.

3. A separate Taiwan would mean a dangerous enemy at its door step and would be an existential threat to China forever.

4. China as a big power, having revitalised itself, would not allow its territorial integrity to be violated. China is not the meek Qing Dynasty.

5. Do not underestimate the resolve and determination of the Chinese people to protect their own territories. The Chinese leaders are not Mickey Mouse that would succumb to external threats. And not when it is now a super power and going to be the next super power politically, militarily and economically. What is tiny Taiwan?

6. How could a few silly traitors in Taiwan be allowed to tear Taiwan away from the Motherland and posed a perpetual threat by becoming pawns of foreign powers?

When would China reunite Taiwan by force, assuming peaceful reunification fails?

1. When Taiwanese leaders declare independence.

2. When Taiwan allow foreign forces to set up military bases in Taiwan.

3. When China is ready to reunite Taiwan on its own terms. This would depend on China's military power to ward of all foreign forces, when China is ready to decouple with the West economically, and when dedollarisation is successful.

To date, the PLA has already won the advantage of controlling the air and sea over the East and South China Sea. When a blockade is enforced, no foreign aircraft and warship can enter the region to supply or defend Taiwan without being shot down. Stop the delusion that Japan or America could resupply Taiwan like Ukraine. China has achieved military superiority over the region around Taiwan vis a vis the Americans. Japan and the rest are just Mickey Mouse that are non consequential and could be taken out any time China decides to do it.

The timing would not be de dollarisation that is in progress, and the decoupling with the West economically. Economic decoupling can take effect any time as both sides would suffer the same consequences. It is only how much China would want to take, but would take when it is forced to.

China is now waiting for a more advantageous moment, and this is getting better and nearer by the day. The delusional Taiwanese, with the mindset of Mickey Mouse, may be getting a rude shock nearer than they expected. Reunification is inevitable and a matter of time. No matter how delusional or naive the Taiwanese are, none would want to perish is a reunification by force as they know they would all be cooked, worse than Ukraine and the Ukrainians. 

Reunification is the only option for the Taiwanese. Delaying this is only hallucinating like a drug addict.  China is real. The military and economic might of China are real. The Americans know and would not dare to fight China in a hot war. Only Mickey Mouse think they could get away with their pranks without being hurt badly. The Taiwanese people are smarter than Mickey Mouse to want to be like Ukraine or the Philippines.

Reunification and returning to the Motherland would mean a better life for the Taiwanese, as proud Chinese, and citizens of the most powerful nation, no longer have to beg for alms and be controlled and told to behave by the Americans or the Japanese.

PS. A Hokien phrase to describe the pro Independent Taiwanese...'khong come'.


  1. Also no need to serve their boys scouts National Slavery.

    Got this type of chance NOT to suffer don't want ah?

    Your Real Bros in Arms the PRCs regular Militaries will protect you.

    No need squeezed in your old prewar hundred over years houses looks like anytime crumbling down soon.

    Telephone poles wiring of electrical cables overlapping your old houses.

    Very dangerous.

    Also one minor earthquake start tumbling down.

    Apartments and your condos and hotels with overhead highways just one or two feet from your windows.

    President Xi had thousands of Condos ready to receive you.

    No need sell your pineapples to NTUC Singapore where no one really buys.

    China compatriots simply buy them wholesale.

    Aiya endless advantages so reunified faster if I were you.

    1. So big a country your Motherland to explore.

      Whole life travels inside also cannot finish ah!

      See Real Militaries Parades instead of your Boys Toys Soldiers just clowning around changing of what's guards like think one country like yours also.

      Also last time used to use your puny land for training.

      Also Boys Toys Soldiers only for shows.

      So many Jobs opportunities together with China's Tech wah . Tokong.

      Your country men already had a Space Station you know.

      Maybe you can also tong pang and go there.

      PRCs used to be generous and wanted to show the Western Barabians that they embraced their lost sheep and wayward rebellious chickens, oops children home by staging them with priorities all sorts of function and celebrations.

      If I were you Taiwanese too slow also too lan

    2. Why so stupid spend your travel wasted monies go to see other countries with nothing to show whereas your own motherland so many World's class sceneries.

      Go to one small Island and wasted monies so expensive just to see their Man Made Cement Half Lion and Half Fish regurating water ah?

      What's there to see besides that?

      You know their own even have just one day extra off to continue their public holiday also scurried like rats to another neighbouring country for some fresh air.

      Too stiffing in their pigeon holes.

      Stupidity kena plucked by the other country Immigration to wait and pass their clearance for up to five hours.

      Then just enjoy there for two to three hours and then back again kena held wait for another two to three hours by their Bodohs just to purposely screwed the poor rats.

      They lazy ones and purposely wanted to disturb the poor souls.

      Just stay in your beautiful MotherLand with Security and Peace and Prosperity.

      I recommend one Guilin and Xingang very beautiful.

      Even the damn white Barbarians now also many many stayed in your China and don't want to go back to their dirty and chaotic countries.

      So don't be stupid and change to your PRCs Passports.

      No need lah! Just stay home.

  2. Lai Ching Te and the pro independent Taiwanese have the same mentality as the Mickey Mouse in the Philippines, thinking they can mess around with China with the help of the Americans. Little did they know that the Americans could not even protect themselves in a war with China.

    China can easily crush the Pinoys and the Taiwanese like cockroaches. Further, most Taiwanese would not want to die, and reunification is not a life and death choice. Their lives could actually become better. The China today is not the poor and defenceless China but a rich and powerful China.

    There is absolutely no chance for them to break away. They better wake up from their silly dreams. While they are hoping against all hope, when China takes action, the majority of the Taiwanese would not resist. The Taiwanese armed forces would not resist. They know best that they cannot do anything about it. Resistance is death and destruction. This is guaranteed.

    It is time to stop all the acting and work out a favourable deal while China is prepared to be generous.

  3. Out of topic, just wondering will sinkiesland declare it will arrest Nutyahoo, since it always talk of following international rule base order. Micky mouse vivian must be hiding in some shit hole in rideout.

    1. Hi Anon 9.23

      Now the Tua Sian aka ASEAN had abandoned the UAss$$$ and not so scared of Sanctions, maybe that Mickey Mouse will come out of his Rideout Rat hole and punch above his weight.

      Aiya only good for his gib of the gab.

  4. A few Taiwanese interviewed by someone on Channel News America had this to say - an older Taiwanese gentleman surmised that if China wanted to take Taiwan, it would have done that long ago, 75 years ago in 1949, (that was when the Communists under Mao Tse Tung were chasing Chiang Kai Shek's army retreating towards Taiwan). Another younger lady put it succinctly that Taiwan is no match for mainland China if a war starts.

    I would say that both are very clear in their insights. Just a naval blockade by China will put Taiwan in big trouble. And that is why the USA, and the West are nervous over the expansion of China's naval capacity. The currently concluded military drill by China around Taiwan is causing anxiety all round in Taiwan, the USA and the West. They are going to call it military over capacity soon and have started to demonize China's shipbuilding industry.

    In the event of a blockade, the USA and the West will then have to airdrop supplies like in Gaza. To say that most Taiwanese want independence is just repeating the propaganda that is the norm for the MSM in the West when fighting a media war and does not reflect reality.

    In any conflict over Taiwan, the Taiwan Straits is China's front yard or let us say it is China's home ground cum advantage. Military logistics are at the PLA's beck and call. Not for the USA and the West, which are thousands of miles away.

    This is no longer the USA during the Vietnam War, when its financial muscle and military capabilities know no bounds. Then Vietnam was not on the level of China in military capabilities, not to belittle the tenacious patriotism of the North Vietnamese fighters. Professor John Mearsheimer said in no uncertain terms that the USA is not just facing a competitor but is facing a peer competitor in all areas, which includes the military.

    This is a USA already fighting two wars and finding it difficult to keep up with aid and military supplies to Ukraine and Israel and facing flaks all round. There is no coalition of the willing to speak of, just an economically weakened NATO alone lending a helping hand. And yet still flogging the theory that Ukraine is winning the war despite the obvious. How much territory has Ukraine retaken from Russia, despite a few minor successes in the Black Sea region. That is not territory retaken, but empty seas. And they gloated and are making a song and dance about it.

    Putin has already taken the whole Eastern flank of Ukraine and he said in no uncertain terms that Russia will only settle for peace based on the present border. Moreover, Putin has opened up another front, the North-Eastern front and is stretching the already over deployed Ukrainian army facing massive recruitment problems.

    1. Well said Anon 10.14


    2. https://youtu.be/Lmp51YN-7wc?si=KmBxTons3xXZLr71

      William Lie, if you want to defies China and declared Independence have this type of Inauguration to show to Xi and NOT this as below.

    3. https://www.youtube.com/live/NWU1GD7Cih4?si=0Ds4PySZZ-bDDLeI

      This one no use lah!

  5. The talk about the need to confiscate Russia's US$300 billion sovereign asset to assist Ukraine tells us that the financial capabilities of the USA and EU to help Ukraine is being severely stretched, forcing them to scrape the bottom of the barrel.

    It could also mean that more funds are now needed for helping Israel, with Ukraine now playing second fiddle to financial and logistical help from the USA and Nato. Thus, the urgency to confiscate the Russian assets.

    Israel needs more help in its Rafah campaign, despite the USA hypocrisy of withholding aid and instead professing more help on the way. The USA will do the opposite of what it is telling the world.

  6. Exactly. The Americans have no more money for Ukraine and need to rob or steal. The Europeans are equally broke and no more money to pay up.

    Robbing or raising all kinds of taxes are signs that the govt is short of money. When they have money, there is no need to rob or steal from the people by all kind of taxes.

  7. The Taiwanese should ask themselves 2 questions.

    1. Are they prepared to die like Ukrainians?
    2. Even if they are willing to die to fight for independence, can they win this fight?

  8. Is the world ready to confiscate Israeli assets to rebuild Gaza? The big banks are owned by Jews, right?

  9. KFC- Piza Hut- Israelis? Mcdonald- Americunts.


  10. Putin waiting to retaliate if the EU starts to confiscate the Russian assets officially. The USA is urging them on. Grandma Yellen is now the cheerleader in charge of this confiscation move.

    Most of Russian assets are in Europe, not the USA. That is why the USA is urging the EU to take the lead and face the music first. Sly move. But the Europeans knows well enough what is going to happen. They will have to open their backsides first for Putin to screw.

    And if Western assets in Russia are more than US$300 billion, Putin will tell them the balance is for rebuilding Gaza, LOL.

  11. Traitors 汉奸 know what their fate would be whether China reunited Taiwan with the Motherland.

  12. Wishing to break away from the Motherland is as good as engaging in a revolution. Must be prepared to shed blood and die. If the pro independence Taiwanese are not prepared to die, then better be sensible and stop day dreaming. No country would allow parts of its land to break away without a fight.

    Apparently the DPP leaders are all prepared to flee Taiwan and leave behind the daft Taiwanese to die like Ukrainians. They have their foreign passports ready, money sent overseas, their children are overseas, they have bought homes overseas. For the DPP leaders, the escape route already planned in advanced with choppers on standby to lift them to safety.

    What about the daft Taiwanese that have no where to run? They will be the first to be sacrificed and to die for the DPP leaders.

    The options available to the daft Taiwanese is to reunite or to die, and Taiwan would still be reunited with the Motherland after they have all died. There is no way that Taiwan can become independent. Wake up from your wet dreams.
