
Random Thoughts, Facts And Truths :- ( 1 )

 Western Colonialism                                                                                                 _________________

Some people superficially think Western colonialism is dead or there is no more Western colonialism. How can we say Western colonialism is dead when white men still have full control of the whole continent of North America, Australia, New Zealand and large parts of South America like Argentina, Colombia, Paraguay, Uruguay and Chile. White invaders must be completely chased out of  the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay. They must all go back to Europe where they originated from.  Moreover the Anglo-Saxons neo-liberals are crafty enough in using neo-liberal tactics to continue to hold sway and indirect control of their ex-colonies via control of trade and commerce, financial control via World Bank, IMF and Swift, use of the Patro Dollar and insidious military bases to ensure victimised countries follow white dictates especially those of America, England and France.

The Anglo-Saxons United States wants to be a  World Hegemony.                          _____________________________________________________

So the charlatans, the hoodlums, the rogues and scoundrels, the thieves and robbers of USA rulers want to rule the world. First have they examined themselves and look in the mirror to see if they are qualified. If we take a look at every USA political leader both present and past from the president downward to senators, congressmen and members of the House of Representatives what do we see? We see green faces with protruding eyes and jutting teeth not different from frankensteins or dracula. We see robbers,buccaneers,pirates ruffians, gangsters, hoodlums, thugs and street fighters. We see see fierce looking faces with unsaturated hungry looks staring down at you with scorn and hatred. In short we see wild savage like animals not different from the hyenas and wolves, the tigers and lions, the leopards and jaguars, the crocodiles , the poisonous serpents like the cobras, black mamba and rattle snakes. How can such wild and savage people with no conscience and human compassion at all rule the world?  The Anglo-Saxons Americans can't even put their own house in order with unsolvable homeless problems, racial riots, killings and murders every day, rickety infrastructures and severe economic breakdowns and never ending political in-fighting. The people of the world and even God will never allow them to rule the world. If they try to they will only be seeking self destruction.

Palestine and the Jews .                                                                                               ___________________                                                                                            

There is no question for undoubtedly Palestine belong to the Palestinian Arabs.  The Jews have no right to be in Palestine.The Jews were planted in Palestine by the Anglo-Saxons UK and US to serve the whites geopolitical agenda. The Palestinian Arabs and nation have been living peacefully in Palestine for over 2,000 years. Since the 18th and 19th century England has been making plans with the Jews to colonize Palestine and the whole of the Arab Middle East. Their plan was to genocide all the Arabs so as to colonize all the Middle East with white people and Jews just as they had genocided the native Americans to almost extinction before taking over the whole continent of North America. The Jews biblical claim that they are just returning to their native land in Palestine is nothing but plain hogwash. So the rogues, scoundrels and villains in the Palestine and Israel conflict are the Anglo-Saxons Americans and the British. All the seas around Palestine and the whole of the Arab Middle East are awashed with vast rich oil resources. Thus the Anglo-Saxons US and UK have every intention to supplant the Arabs so as to take over the whole region for white and Jewish colonization.

  Thus to achieve everlasting peace in Palestine and the Middle East it is imperative to get rid of the Jews in Palestine and the Anglo-Saxons US and UK from all Arab terroitories in the Middle East.


Friday, 17th May,2024


  1. For the last 0ver 500 years white European Christians led by Anglo-Saxons United States and UK have been carrying out all kinds of evil deeds and brutal atrocities against all non-white countries and people with impunity. However, it is payback time now. Heaven will not allow them to continue their evil deeds and atrocities on other people without punishment. Now the United States and all white countries are in shambles with no hope for recovery. They are indeed now facing retribution or Karma.

    Beh Lan Sei

  2. The Jews are a bane to the countries of the south. They have usurped most of the centres of power in the Western countries and are now calling all the shots. Unless the wicked Jews are stopped from their evil machinations they will soon drag the whole world to destruction.

  3. Welcome to the blog, Beh Lan Sei
