
Malaysia FM Nasution Ismail - Malaysia only accepts sanctions by UN not by nobody's unilateral sanction

 Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, Malaysia's Foreign Minister, told the American delegation that Malaysia would not recognise sanctions by individual nation. This was in response to the American delegation visiting Malaysia and Singapore to coerce these countries to sanction Iran's sale of oil. Not sure what was independent and principled Singapore's position on this and how they replied to the American demand.

Malaysia not only would not budge to American bullying, but also insisted that the Americans show proof of their allegations. The Americans are infamous for making wild allegations and lies against countries, eg the invasion of Iraq on false allegation of WMD and spurious unproven allegations of human rights violation in Xinjiang, while the Americans and the Israelis were committing genocide against the Palestinians right before the eyes of the world. Only American crony states would take American lies and wild allegations without questioning.

In this case, Malaysia has taken a principled position against the rogue and lying Americans. Malaysia can hold its head high for standing up to the Americans and in support of the Palestinian people. This is the kind of leaders that would be respected by the world, not half bakes that everyday harped about what to wear, what can wear and what cannot wear, or what can eat and what cannot eat.

Great to see a new set of professional and confident Malaysian leaders leading Malaysia.


  1. Good morning All

    Wow that's a brave statement by the Malaysian FM.


    Last time poor fellas Singaporeans been fined and nearly jailed for some trading with the North Koreans in just sundries goods.

    Sinkies Land Government really on the ball as UAssA doggies and vassals to follow their Rules Based Mafia Orders.


    1. https://thediplomat.com/2024/05/malaysia-will-not-recognize-unilateral-sanctions-on-iran-official-says/

    2. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/malaysia-rebuffs-us-on-iran-oil-sales-says-it-recognises-only-un-sanctions

  2. Singapore FM: We only recognized sanction dictate by the United Snake of Americunt. Whatever sanction by UN is bo pa kay.

    1. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/us-flags-environmental-risks-illicit-transfers-iranian-oil-malaysia-report-says-4324356

      What's nonsense environmental risks?

      UAss the World's Worst Environmental Scourge with their never ending wars on weak nations.

      Talk Cock!

      Dotard Trump scorned Climate Changes Cooperations that why now all sorts of Climate Disasters.

  3. Singapore's PM-in-waiting L. Wong in an interview with The Economist reaffirmed a “pro-Singapore” approach that was neither “pro-China” nor “pro-US”.

    So if the Americans tell Singapore that they will strangle Singapore's financial center system if it doesn't obey US sanctions on Iran, it is “pro-Singapore” to preserve Singapore's financial system and therefore have to lan lan obey the Americans !

  4. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/top-us-treasury-official-travel-singapore-malaysia-discuss-sanctions-2024-05-03/

    Mafia Gangsters using Strong Arms tactics

  5. https://lloydslist.com/LL1149048/Singapore-and-Malaysia-in-US-Treasurys-sights-over-sanction-enforcement

    Hello follow Niger and Bukino Faso aligned with Russia and China and the Skunks Americunts will scurried away.

  6. Men with ideas talked about principles and national interests.

    Little people with no ideas quarrelled about food, dresses and waving the fists and swords.
