
Let the American clowns continue to believe they are ahead of China

 China already left the USA behind in various fields. China has built its own space station and is now operational. The USA still needs Russian rockets to send their astronauts to the ISS. Who is ahead? How did their rockets reached the moon I wonder?

In the clean energy sector, China is already far ahead of the USA, in EVs, solar panels and wind turbine manufacturing. The USA wants China to cut its domination for the USA to catch up.

China is already far ahead of the USA in shipbuilding. This is a fact that not many had noticed or are aware of, and still thinking that the Japanese and South Koreans are still dominating the sector.

Apart from the above, what else had China overtaken the USA? In the field of patents, China trumps the USA. Huawei holds patents in telecommunication that other telecommunication giants have to pay patent rights to use. China is on par with the USA in super computers. China's infrastructures put the USA in shame. China high speed rail construction is so far ahead of the USA, it puts the USA in the shade.

Chinese universities are rising up the ranks in the world and attracting students from all over, with tuition fees and accommodation on campus so cheap that it is putting some USA universities out of business or facing financial problems. Moreover, the influx of English-speaking professors from USA universities are allowing Chinese universities to conduct courses in English, a blessing in disguise again for China arising from the USA crackdown on Chinese academics and researchers.

China is thankful that the USA cannot find good people, with good thinking skills and strategic mindset to pull the USA out of its quagmire. China is just content to let the USA continue using their outdated playbook of pulling others down while putting itself in stagnation.

Yes, China should be thankful to the USA for all the help.



Anonymous said...

China is going to thank the USA for pushing China to excel in chips manufacturing innovation and be less reliant on the USA, Japan and South Korea. And China is going to eat the lunches of the legacy chip manufacturers very soon. What humans can achieve it is equally achievable by others.

The USA and its Chips Alliance members can keep thinking about killing China by closing ranks to prevent China getting the technical know-how of high-end chip manufacturing. They can keep comforting themselves that China is still years behind them in this sector. They will regret having such thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I think the whole world must thank the USA for pushing China to innovate faster than if they had left China alone to continue relying on the West for some things that the West had dominated for decades, allowing themselves to benefit for a longer period.

And we have only to look at BRICS itself. Without BRICS, which small country dared to talk about moving away from deals in US$. The USA and the West will do them in like Iraq and Libya. That is why so many small countries are vying to join BRICS in order to avoid the threats if they had acted alone instead of working under the umbrella of BRICS.

Trump is now discreetly threatening those countries vying to join BRICS, using the de-dollarization accusation as a cover. He warned that countries will be punished for de-dollarization moves, which means joining BRICS comes under the radar. Trump had earlier warned China against retaliating over his trade war and even threatened to punish USA buyers of EVs. What happened?

That the rest of the world could enjoy all the cheap products made in China is another benefit that they must thank the USA and the West for, as otherwise countries will be paying arms and legs for goods made in the USA and the West. Take cars for example. An ICE vehicle costs several times more than an EV made by China. That is just talking about normal mass-produced ICE vehicles. Cars in the more high-end range are even more out of this world in pricing compared to Chinese EVs, with the same level of technology and innovative ideas.

The war on EVs is hotting up, with anti-China shrills putting up videos about EV car fires in China. A single car fire in China (we do not even know it was really in China or an EV vehicle) was used to hype up the message that all over China EV cars are catching fire and burning the country down as suggested by the headlines of that video. How ridiculous, laughable, unbelievable and mindless are such fake news