
Grumbling of a senior Singaporean


 Let me also relate how the LTA and the ex Minister now still fighting his innocence claiming ignorant that these gifts are nothing but friendships goodwills just to show that they are sebok working hard and innovative squandered millions on a useless project of the construction of the Circle Line right in front of out estate on the old KTM Railway Station.

That junk rundown station long platform for the passengers waiting area had ordinary pillars of just ordinary cement with no even a design of intrinsic value and they purposely cut them up stored in load Loders and parked on cemented floors next to the Kampong Bahru Empty Bus Terminal.

I knew that these pillars are just straight block of slabs as been playing there as a child and also been travelling a lot to Matland on their trains for work and also pleasure.

They cleaned and reinforced them behind our estate nearly two to two and a half year grooming these junks pillars.

They can simply demolished them and have better new ones which no one is any wiser that these are the old KTM old railway platform pillars.

Saved few millions for doing that.

Don't know lah maybe have also to support Papies kakis and give them.this project.

Now come to the actual headache.

They had moved back the damn useless pillars.back to refitted to the built up new platform and now they have to demolish the cement floorings.

What's a waste of monies!

Anyway don't give a damn lah!

The main problem now is the demolition which the past month or so they drilled part by part yo break the cement.

The noise is so terrible for nearly eight hours a day and any sane people can go mad.

They should have use those big excavators and break them into small pieces and lorry away for breaking into small pieces elsewhere.

Opposite are the Community and other hospitals.

The sick and elderly in our estates had.to suffer these nonsense.

One neighbour called the NEA and they said the noise is permissible under their readings with their meters at the roof tops of our 25th storey point block.

Hello the meters must be installed at ground level to monitor the noise what's for at the top of the roof of the block.

Real block heads.

They preferred to spend a fee millions just to tell the peoples when the project is finished that everything is original as in the old junk railway useless no.value pillars platform.

Wow, now next project the Turf City with preserving many of the old artifacts and buildings.

So now they shall likewise the horse stables and others on load loaders and refurbish them again spending a few millions and reinstall back.

Also cemented floor near the Elites bungalows next to the Turf City and later then demolitions the same style by drilling part by part again and the noise level is permissible as according to out readings.

Who are you to dispute?

Anyway left to be seen equal miseries for all heartlands and Elites of Bukit Timah.

Good Luck. 


1 comment:

  1. Virgo49 said...

    Good Afternoon One And All

    Let me also brighten our Sunday with this.

    Wow today peaceful also their Rest Day.

    Tomorrow HELL start again.

    This as I posted:

    "They can simply demolish them and have better new ones which no one is any wiser that these are the old KTM old railway platform pillars"

    You know why they are preserving these?

    Just to tell and show the Daft locals and tourists alike that they are willing to spend a few millions to reinstate and preserve their old pillars of just ordinary slab block of plain cement pillars.

    The STB Tour guides proudly will tell the PRCs tourists if they still wants to come here the following:-

    "With pictures and graphics of how they cut the pillars. Put them piece by piece carefully on the Loadloader and wheeled behind to the cemented flooring of old previous the old KTM trains marshalling yards. Maybe they shall also have videos and graphics to be shown in the Main Halls of the Grand Station to show the public and the tourists

    Next segments if how they refurbished and washed the pillars for nearly two and a half to three years waiting for the MRT proper to be completed.

    Each and every day can see the workers with coffee and their nasi whistling and working away happily.

    Then the final part they show how they wheeled back and installed back onto the platform.

    Wah so grand and like world class museum preservation.

    Just for that pieces of plain no intrinsic designs pillars just for supporting the roof which is black from soot from the old KTM rail service.

    Next comes the revelation!

    One young bright spark from China will ask -"Are these supporting pillars are of intrinsic designs of historical value that you peoples needed to go thru so much arrangements and troubles to preserve them"

    "NO, actually, we tried to keep them as original as possible and authentic"

    The PRC then said why not just construct new ones and much more steadier and in China we can even in our Rural Area those raw construction manufacturers, they can do for you peoples at Yuan1000.00 per piece.

    Why you all spent millions on these?

    No one be wiser whether these are originals or not!

    Does the pillars needed to be certified and registered as patents and notally registered?

    Hey, mind your own business you young punk from China.

    Thought your country said no interference with others affairs.

    Why you so kaypoh ah?

    Young punt : That's the difference why we are years ahead of you peasants.

    You know who is constructing this Completed MRT systems for you?

    It's China Construction.

    Well known round the World.

