
Gaza Genocide continues unabated...if only the Arabs are united as one to save themselves

 The Gaza Genocide continues. How many more Palestinians would be massacred before the world dares to stand up to the American, Brits and Jewish terrorists in this outrageous genocide of a hapless people, cornered, imprisoned, cut off from the rest of the world, without food, medicine, water and electricity, without a normal life...just waiting for their turn to die, either by bombs falling on their heads, or hunger, sickness and starvation?

The American, Brits and Jews are terrorists beyond any descriptions. But the worst partners to their convoluted crimes against humanity are the people of the world. All standing by, doing nothing, as if the massacre of the Palestinians in none of their business, a normal human activity. And some even parroting the American and Jewish narratives that the Palestinians are terrorists, or animals, subhumans, and the genocide is nothing of concern.

And where is the Arab and Muslim Brotherhood? Why are they not doing anything to protect and save their fellow brothers and sisters, so hapless and in despair. Their cries for help, their cries to Allah, and their cries for their fellow Arab and Muslim brothers and sisters to help them in such a cruel time, all went in vain.

China, Russia, Iran and some bigger states would like to help. But how could they help when the Arab and Muslim world refused to help? How ridiculous would China and Russia or Iran look if some Arab and Muslim states would turn around and side with the American and Israelis to condemn or even attack them?

No countries, not even China, Russia, Iran etc etc can help if the Arab and Muslim world is disunited, and refused to do anything. If only they are brave enough to stand up, the rest of the world would stand up with them to fight the American and Jewish terrorists, to defend the Palestinians. 

The massacre of the Palestinians is gaining in momentum and instensity. And if the Arab and Muslim world still stay inactive, disinterested, soon there will be no Palestinians left, no more Palestine left. They would go the way of the Red Indians. It would be too late to regret, too late to say, we should have done something when we can.

The Americans and the Jews are quietly sniggering at the meekness of the Arab and Muslim world, and continue happily with their slaughter of the Palestinians, and preparing to take over their land, and more Arab lands that they claimed were Jewish land according to the Bible. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, would have a big piece of their land taken over by the Greater Israel in the making. Now is the turn of the Palestinians. Next would be their turn. They can only blame themselves when the Americans and the Jews come after them. Their cries for help would be the same as the cries of the Palestinians. No one would come to their aid. They will suffer the same fate as the hapless Palestinians.

Appeasement and timidity would only bring them a temporary respite. A more pathetic fate and reality are awaiting them. They can only save themselves if they act now, unite to fight back, and the rest of the world would unite to fight with them against the atrocities and cruelties of the Americans and the Jews. By standing up to fight together, it is not fighting to save the Palestinians, but to save themselves...of face oblivion like the Palestinians and like the Red Indians.

It is a stark choice to make before it is too late.


  1. The atrocities are due solely to the Jews as the sickest country on earth is under their control. That's yankee democracy.

  2. The USA, UK and Israel - the true 'Axis of Evil'. If the Arab and Muslim World still do not see it, too bad.

  3. Same as some people still believing in Satanic Cults.

  4. CAIRO: Israeli forces have taken control of a buffer zone along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, the country's military said on Wednesday (May 29), giving Israel effective authority over the Palestinian territory's entire land border.

    Israel also continued deadly raids on Rafah in southern Gaza despite an order from the International Court of Justice to end attacks on the city, where half of Gaza's 2.3 million people had previously taken refuge.

  5. Health Minister Majed Abu Raman urged Washington to pressure Israel to open the Rafah crossing to aid, saying there was no indication that Israeli authorities would do so soon and that patients in besieged Gaza were dying for lack of treatment.

    This stupid Palestinian minister calling the US to pressure Israel to stop the genocide? Is he real? Did he not know that the US is behind the genocide?

    1. Palestinians like Ararat corrupted lah!

      Likewise so many African Leaders easily brought over by UAss Free printings $$$

      You think they care for their kind?

      Fat hope!

      Our pockets more important.

      Irony that their religion preached only God and Heaven and NOT WEALTH.

      Tsk tsk

  6. Aiya all these so called Same Religions and Brothers Hood are all BS!


    Humans self interests.

    Muslims round the World how many millions?

    How many lifted their fingers to help?

    Example Matland

    The Elites of their kind in wayang and dramas as same religion and race only enriched themselves whilst so many of their kins in religion are in poverty m

    Billions of RM to have luxurious lifes in having thousands of exquisite timepieces and clothing and cars.

    So many languishing in poverty.

    Marcos Imelda Christianity thousands of shoes.

    Yet their dafts still voted for them.

    Sinkies in 2 roomed dungeon walkways whereas some in Rideout Road.

    Frankly these two religions are somewhat similar as began in the M.E.

    One Jacob and the other Yacob.

    One Isaiah the other Ishak.

    Yet both are at loggerheads and fought endlessly.

    One Crusade and the other Jihad

    Too extreme and protective of their what's beliefs could be uncompromising and had adverse effects on others that are NOT in your realm.


    Not in another hundred years.

  7. https://www.facebook.com/groups/powermacaogaming/permalink/3286951488103894/?app=fbl

    Humans same kind fought.

    Think some animals more sense tha humans.


  8. Was wondering what's the U.N. Aka United Nonsense Security Blue Helmets so called peace keeping forces are for what's ah?

    Just for shows only ah?

    When things die down then they goes in and show their handsome faces stuttering around like peacocks ah?

    Thought they are supposed to be form for Peace Keeping?

    Theh have to go in lah and stop the fights then!

    Why? Scared to die ah?

    Then don't wear uniforms and carry rifles lah!

    Wasted rice and potatoes and corns and beefs and pork and chickens!

  9. Biden does not even dare to antagonize Dictator Netanyahu, catering to his every whim and fancy. The only lame response he and Jewish Secretary Blinken did so far is asking irrelevant questions, like 'What is Israel's plan for Palestine'. Does Dictator Netanyahu need to tell Biden his plan, when he is acting like God Almighty - irresponsible, unresponsive to criticism and totally out of control. Sorry to say that, as God Almighty himself would not be so cruel and uncaring.

    Netanyahu's plan is basically to annex Palestina and expand Israeli territory to build Israeli settler homes, needing to annihilate all the Palestinians using hunger, missile strikes, destroying hospitals, schools and even refugee centers. The Israelis airstrikes just killed 35 civilians, women and children, and shedding crocodile tears that it was a 'tragic mistake'. And the lame UN was just outraged over the killing of women and children. Did the Israeli Airforce also used an old map, LOL?

    Egypt is now starting to get annoyed with what the Israelis are doing in Gaza. Their relationship is into troubled waters going forward. The Israelis are basically trying to force the Palestinian refugees into the hands of the Egyptian Authorities or face genocide. That ia a dilemma facing the Egyptian side.

  10. Hi Anon 11.00

    Egypt also another hypocrite lah!

    They had signed agreements with the Israelis to cover their arses.

    Likewise so many other Arab States and Countries.

    So much for their damn Brothers Hoods.

    My hoods better even old and sagging.

    1. Before the October 7th attacks by Hamas, the bloody hypocrite Saudi Arabia was supposed to sign an agreement with the Israeli normalised relations and that put the final nail to the coffin of the Palestinians.

      See how hypocritical the Saudis are.

      They don't realise that the UAssA will take them down one by one after they finished off the Palestinians.


  11. I am still awaiting a certain tiny country that always talk about rule base order/international rule and like to punch above it weight to declare that it will recognize palestine state. And also condemn it good buddy terrorist israel. Also the ex-indian turn malay machik to post some enlightening message to urge sillyporean to act. So far still no sound no shadow..

  12. Arabs are tribal in nature. Blood feud going back generations between tribes. Hierarchic totem pole of tribes, some more prestige than others.

    Very hard for them to unite, even against a common enemy. Always suspicious, always looking over his shoulder, no trust amongst themselves.

    Palestinians are amongst the lowest on the totem pole. Why would the higher class bother about them. Sadly, that's how those Arabs in power thinks.

  13. And the Americans, Brits and Jews keep feeding them with disinformation and fake threats to incite them to go after one another. This has been happening for the last century at least.

    Hopefully they have wisen up and close ranks to deal with their eternal enemies, the real enemies, the Israelis, Americans and the Brits. And they can count on China and Russia to back them up.

  14. The Arabs biggest mistake was pricing oil in Petrodollars. They were completely conned.

  15. Exactly. And the Americans have bases in Saudi Arabia, can send in soldiers, weapons, whatever by passing the Saudis, like it is a part of the USA.

    And the Americans can use their forces in Saudi Arabia not only to threaten and attack neighbouring Arab countries, but also assassinate Saudi leaders when they need to, regime change to favour the Americans.

    Saudi Arabia is a colony of the Americans. The Americans have their hands over their necks.

  16. MBS can be assassinated any moment. Raisi's assassination is just a warning.

  17. Mickey Marcos just invited the American terrorists to have more bases and foot soldiers in the Philippines. Duterte and his allies, and any nationalist Pinoys could be assassinated anytime to prolong Mickey Marcos' rule.

    Another martial law would soon be declared in the Philippines to instal Dictator Marcos, like his father. If this happens, it would lead to the total annihilation of the Marcos family for good, since they failed to do it the last time.

  18. As long as they can manipulate Mickey Marcos, they will get anything they want. Mickey is a lame duck, getting lamer by the day.

  19. Philippines will become the sick man of ASEAN. Even Laos and Cambodia have more prospects to progress. The only prospect I can see is Pinoy women providing comfort services to USA GIs as they did in the past.

  20. Russia & Iran Launch Hypersonic Missiles At Israel After Rafah Bombing & Iranian President Death!
    This unprecedented military action signals a watershed moment in the ongoing conflict, raising concerns about the future of regional stability and international relations.

  21. Former IDF spokesperson Avi Lipkin's shocking remarks have triggered a storm online. Lipkin's "will purify mecca" comment made during the Israel-Hamas war, in January this year is viral now. the former IDF official said that Israel's borders will extend to Mecca, Madina and Mount Sinai.

  22. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has urged the Islamic world to make a “common decision” to oppose Israel, calling the Jewish state a threat to “all of humanity.”

    “I have some words to say to the Islamic world: What are you waiting for to take a common decision?” he said in a speech to lawmakers from his AKP party on Wednesday.

    “Israel is not just a threat to Gaza but to all of humanity. No state is safe as long as Israel does not follow international law and does not feel bound by international law,” he continued, before accusing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of committing “genocide.”
