
Empire of Lies led by the biggest liars on the planet

 Nothing is more evident than the realization that the 'Empire of Lies' is being led by the biggest liars on the planet.

Joe Biden leads the country, Janet Yellen leads the USA Treasury, Jerone Powell leads the Federal Reserve. And not to forget that 'cabbage patch' black doll fronting the propaganda campaign for the USA Government. They have to generate lies to keep the USA functioning in ICU until November.

Donald Trump, if he squeezed into the White House next, will face a collapsing economy and banking crisis. But fortunately, he is in a privileged position to put all the blame on Biden. That is the beauty of changing leaders every four years. No accountability for failures, no consequence for mistakes made by and as predecessors. After all, the USA's forever mantra in its playbook is about blaming others, no matter which side of the political divide they came from. And voters are left to wonder how to get over the next four years, before being repeated again and again.

Will Trump tackle the homeless problem, or the drugs problem, or the debt problem, or the gun problem? Not on his agenda of course. Trump's preoccupation, like Biden is about containing China's rise. Is it too little too late? How is the USA going to contain China having no obvious leverage left to hold on to? Raw materials, refining logistics, industrial capacity, renewables and soon semiconductors will be or are already controlled by China.

All the USA had left are empty feel-good slogans, nursing expensive mistakes, jeopardizing the interest of allies, strengthening ability of enemies to fight back, and pushing enemies to close ranks. 



  1. Never has the USA lost so much influence around the world just over the past two Presidencies.

    It looks like India is now looking at its relations with the USA and UK under a microscope, after what the USA and UK tried to do to India, accusing it of human rights abuses and trying to cut off its relations with Russia. Without cheap Russian energy, India is sunk. Sure, there are other sources of energy that India can tap on, but at what price?

    India is trying very hard to industrialize, and energy is the most important component of that agenda. India needs to industrialize to create the jobs to absorb the massive unemployment issues arising from the population explosion.

    National interest must take precedent over ideological considerations if India is to move forward.

  2. I am waiting for that debate between the two dementia dinosaurs. It will be interesting to see how Biden is going to perform with his inability to recall facts. In reality, both had been caught making gaffes. But the USA voters do not mind. They are just lapping up the clown show and enjoying the circus while it lasts.

  3. How on earth can they still think that Biden is suitable for the White House job is beyond logic. But it is no laughing matter, the way he walks, the way he lost his train of thought in his speech, the way he gaffes and became incoherent during his speech and lying about his capabilities.

    It is a joke, the 'Mother of all Sick Jokes' to put him up as a candidate. This can only happen in the USA!

  4. OMG another four years of Biden or Trump? It was painful to watch Biden walking, trying to keep his eyes open, sounding incoherent and needing handlers to hold him steady. Spare the world the agony!

    1. Hi Anon 7.51

      That's when you are WRONG!

      One man Tradegy is another Man's Comedy!

      Used to hear many of my friends and ex colleagues said that we are Lucky that Matland with their Useless Leaders are Sinkieland's benefits.

      If Matland with Cleverer Peoples than Sinkies than.boh chips meaning we be poorer and papuers.

      So that's human traits..that's why Sinkies are so pragmatic and cruel.

      So if the UAssA have these types or Jokers then let them Rot.

      If smart smart like So many of their younger Senators then Xi also worried.


  5. Trump is insisting that Biden take a drug test before their debate. OMG, that was cute.

  6. Biden really needs a ventriloquist to help him while he debates Trump. He just needs to move his mouth, with the ventriloquist doing the necessary, LOL.
