
Drug addiction an internal American problem. Don't blame others.

 They cleaned up the streets of Kensington Ave, but the addicts are still around, only hiding elsewhere temporarily. The drug suppliers will still be around to revive their trade. The problem is not on the surface and solved by just removing the sight. It is deep rooted.

As we should know, getting drug addicts off their habits is the real difficult problem. We have seen this in our own country. Drug addicts are sent to rehabilitation centers, sometimes for years. In Xinjiang the West spin them around and called such religious rehabilitation hubs as 'concentration camps' LOL.

But once out for good behavior they often turn to the same habit. These people have friends outside with the same addiction habits and once establishing contacts, the addiction is going to return, with drug pushers eager to capitalize. I have seen friends and relatives suffering the pain of having their children in such situations. It was heart wrenching.

And the USA is blaming China. Why is there no such a drug addiction problem in China if China is supplying so much drugs to the USA. I am apt to believe that Karma is working and working well!



  1. Good morning Mr RB,

    Right you are!

    One little tablet of that dirty Ermin 5 or 6 or sick just a few cts and the addict could paid $25.00 for one.

    All their hard earned monies working like a slave gone in no time.

    So in time as desperations without any more monies, they turned to crimes and robberies.

    Pop in just for a few hours of high (wonder what's sort of damn high they experiencing) and then later when the effects wore off like a zombie even falling down like nine pins suffering the after effects.

    Inject themselves with heroin that are dumb and damn stupidity.

    Stupid idiots wanted painful injections for their

    Heroin or cocaine needed when you are in pains aftee surgeries NOT for pleasure.

    Dumb idiots.

  2. Apology should be morphine and not heroin and cocaine for pains reliefs after surgeries.

    Want to be high and dance on the clouds ah?

    Better die early and dance on the clouds, oops should be fires in HELL.


  3. American reports said that there are more Americans smoking marihuana than drinking beer.
    This is good news. Soon they would experience and enjoy what it was like when they forced opium on Qing Dynasty China.

    History will repeat itself. Karma cannot be avoided.

    1. Lovely!! What goes around comes around. The pigeons have come home to roost. From marijuana, they'll graduate to fentanyl!!!

  4. OK OK then when the Americunts really want to come and look for fights with China, then like History repeat itself China shall whacked them to Kingdom come and pieces and submissions and then they shall have the Treaty of Beijing where Haiwaii and the surrounding islands near the UASSA and also at least ten states of their mainland leased to China for the next 100 years.

    Like what's they did to HK and Macau when China was weak.


  5. When we willingly do what the Americans want us to do, then it is not coercion or pressure or influence. we are willing cronies of the Americans.

  6. Why is the USA coaxing ASEAN states to follow them to legalize marihuana as someone commented? The USA must have an ulterior and insidious motive to do that. That begs the question of what does the USA hope to benefit from it?

    Why must marihuana be legalized, knowing that it is a menace to society? Is the USA trying to export its drug problems as well? Or is the USA controlling some lucrative drug sources like the 'Golden Triangle', which many believe the drug lords are under the thumb of the CIA.

    And why is Duterte's crackdown on drug lords in the Philippines being demonized to high heaven by the USA and the West, using the human rights hubris to argue their stand? Why? Isn't getting rid of drugs what the world is fighting for?

  7. Hi Anon 11.23

    They are trying a repeat of the Opium Addictions as what's they did to China.

    Now modern, Marijuana additions so that you all became Zombies and.be in control by them.

    Simple as that.

    Their Banks and their accomplices Drugs Lords be laughing all the way to the Banks.

    Had Lambourngini, BMWs and.like that Scoundrel Bidamn driving a open air convertible as corrupted monies extorted by his son using his VP status when he was with that Black Devil Obama.
